Secureboot on TK1

I want to do secureboot on TK1. I find the Trusted Little Kernel(TLK) support secureboot. But I see

the last update of tlk.git is 27 Oct 2015. Dose the Nvidia still maintains the Trusted Little


If I want to do secureboot on TK1? Which kernel or System should I choice now?

Hi jdylxu,

The Jetson platform secure boot package was published at [url][/url]

[b]- Jetson Platform Fuse Burning and Secure Boot Documentation and Tools

  • Jetson TX2 Fuse Specification
  • Jetson TX1 Fuse Specification
  • Jetson TK1 Fuse Specification[/b]

This collection of documentation and tools enables fuse burning for secure boot and other purposes with Jetson TX2, Jetson TX1, and Tegra K1 for developing secure OS and trusted application.

You could also check for a security and secure boot video:


Hi kayccc,

Thanks for your reply.

I have seen the “Jetson Platform Fuse Burning and Secure Boot Documentation and Tools”. Dose the L4T support TrustZone? Specifically, the secureboot of L4T is only secure boot one OS (the normal ubuntu os), or it first secure boot the Secure World then secure boot the Normal World.
