Segmentation fault (core dumped) error in multiple context and multiple stream in tensorrt
when I run belowing code:

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import numpy as np
import tensorrt as trt
from cuda import cudart

shape = [2, 3, 4, 5]
nContext = 2 # count of context
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=200, suppress=True)

logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.ERROR)
builder = trt.Builder(logger)
network = builder.create_network(1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH))
profileList = [builder.create_optimization_profile() for _ in range(nContext)]
config = builder.create_builder_config()

inputT0 = network.add_input(“inputT0”, trt.float32, [-1, -1, -1, -1])
inputT1 = network.add_input(“inputT1”, trt.float32, [-1, -1, -1, -1])
layer = network.add_elementwise(inputT0, inputT1, trt.ElementWiseOperation.SUM)

for profile in profileList:
profile.set_shape(, shape, shape, [k * nContext for k in shape]) # “* nContext” is just for this example, not required in real use case
profile.set_shape(, shape, shape, [k * nContext for k in shape])

engineString = builder.build_serialized_network(network, config)
engine = trt.Runtime(logger).deserialize_cuda_engine(engineString)
nIO = engine.num_bindings
nInput = np.sum([engine.binding_is_input(i) for i in range(engine.num_bindings)])
nOutput = nIO - nInput
nIO, nInput, nOutput = nIO // nContext, nInput // nContext, nOutput // nContext

streamList = [cudart.cudaStreamCreate()[1] for _ in range(nContext)]
contextList = [engine.create_execution_context() for index in range(nContext)]

first inference

bufferH = # a list of buffers for all Context (all OptimizationProfile)
for index in range(nContext):
stream = streamList[index]
context = contextList[index]
context.set_optimization_profile_async(index, stream)
bindingPad = nIO * index # skip bindings of previous OptimizationProfile occupied
inputShape = [k * (index + 1) for k in shape] # we use different shape for various context in this example, not required in real use case
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 0, inputShape)
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 1, inputShape)
print(“Context%d binding all? %s” % (index, “Yes” if context.all_binding_shapes_specified else “No”))
for i in range(nIO):
print(i, "Input " if engine.binding_is_input(i) else “Output”, engine.get_binding_shape(i), context.get_binding_shape(i))
for i in range(nInput):
for i in range(nOutput):
bufferH.append(np.empty(context.get_binding_shape(bindingPad + nInput + i), dtype=trt.nptype(engine.get_binding_dtype(bindingPad + nInput + i))))

bufferD =
for i in range(len(bufferH)):

for index in range(nContext):
print(“Use Context %d” % index)
stream = streamList[index]
context = contextList[index]
context.set_optimization_profile_async(index, stream)
bindingPad = nIO * index
inputShape = [k * (index + 1) for k in shape]
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 0, inputShape)
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 1, inputShape)
for i in range(nIO * nContext):
print(“[%2d]%s->” % (i, "Input " if i < nInput else “Output”), engine.get_binding_dtype(i), engine.get_binding_shape(i), context.get_binding_shape(i), engine.get_binding_name(i))
for i in range(nInput):
cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(bufferD[bindingPad + i], bufferH[bindingPad + i], bufferH[bindingPad + i].nbytes, cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream)

bufferList = [int(0) for b in bufferD[:bindingPad]] + [int(b) for b in bufferD[bindingPad:(bindingPad + nInput + nOutput)]] + [int(0) for b in bufferD[(bindingPad + nInput + nOutput):]]
# divide the buffers into three parts, and fill int(0) for the parts beside the buffer of this context uses

context.execute_async_v2(bufferList, stream)

for i in range(nOutput):
    cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(bufferH[bindingPad + nInput + i], bufferD[bindingPad + nInput + i], bufferH[bindingPad + nInput + i].nbytes, cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream)

for index in range(nContext):

for index in range(nContext):
bindingPad = nIO * index
print(“check result of context %d: %s” % (index, np.all(bufferH[bindingPad + 2] == bufferH[bindingPad + 0] + bufferH[bindingPad + 1])))

for stream in streamList:

for b in bufferD:

second inference

bufferH = # a list of buffers for all Context (all OptimizationProfile)
for index in range(nContext):
stream = streamList[index]
context = contextList[index]
context.set_optimization_profile_async(index, stream)
bindingPad = nIO * index # skip bindings of previous OptimizationProfile occupied
inputShape = [k * (index + 1) for k in shape] # we use different shape for various context in this example, not required in real use case
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 0, inputShape)
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 1, inputShape)
print(“Context%d binding all? %s” % (index, “Yes” if context.all_binding_shapes_specified else “No”))
for i in range(nIO):
print(i, "Input " if engine.binding_is_input(i) else “Output”, engine.get_binding_shape(i), context.get_binding_shape(i))
for i in range(nInput):
for i in range(nOutput):
bufferH.append(np.empty(context.get_binding_shape(bindingPad + nInput + i), dtype=trt.nptype(engine.get_binding_dtype(bindingPad + nInput + i))))

bufferD =
for i in range(len(bufferH)):

for index in range(nContext):
print(“Use Context %d” % index)
stream = streamList[index]
context = contextList[index]
context.set_optimization_profile_async(index, stream)
bindingPad = nIO * index
inputShape = [k * (index + 1) for k in shape]
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 0, inputShape)
context.set_binding_shape(bindingPad + 1, inputShape)
for i in range(nIO * nContext):
print(“[%2d]%s->” % (i, "Input " if i < nInput else “Output”), engine.get_binding_dtype(i), engine.get_binding_shape(i), context.get_binding_shape(i), engine.get_binding_name(i))
for i in range(nInput):
cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(bufferD[bindingPad + i], bufferH[bindingPad + i], bufferH[bindingPad + i].nbytes, cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream)

bufferList = [int(0) for b in bufferD[:bindingPad]] + [int(b) for b in bufferD[bindingPad:(bindingPad + nInput + nOutput)]] + [int(0) for b in bufferD[(bindingPad + nInput + nOutput):]]
# divide the buffers into three parts, and fill int(0) for the parts beside the buffer of this context uses

context.execute_async_v2(bufferList, stream)

for i in range(nOutput):
    cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(bufferH[bindingPad + nInput + i], bufferD[bindingPad + nInput + i], bufferH[bindingPad + nInput + i].nbytes, cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream)

for index in range(nContext):

for index in range(nContext):
bindingPad = nIO * index
print(“check result of context %d: %s” % (index, np.all(bufferH[bindingPad + 2] == bufferH[bindingPad + 0] + bufferH[bindingPad + 1])))

for stream in streamList:

for b in bufferD:

raise error:Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If this means multicontext can only inference once. if take the model as a server, how to using multicontext exeute multiple requests?

Hi @scumierjia ,
can you please help us with teh onnx model and supported file to debug the issue further.


Thanks for your reply. But I don’t have the onnx model. I just use below code, and my purpose is to execute multiple inference. But it seems like raise error. (1.8 KB)

Hello, have you solved it? I am facing the same problem

No.I‘m still waiting for reply