Segmentation Fault (core dumped) occurs when YOLOV5 is running on a jetson nano device

I’m trying to run the yolov5 program on my jetson nano. runs inference on a variety of sources, downloading models automatically from the latest YOLOv5 release and saving results to runs/detect.

python --source 0  # webcam
                          img.jpg  # image
                          vid.mp4  # video
                          path/  # directory
                          path/*.jpg  # glob
                          ''  # YouTube
                          'rtsp://'  # RTSP, RTMP, HTTP stream


Segmentation fault is usually caused by invalid memory access.

Have you tried the sample on other platforms (ex. x86) before?
If not, would you mind giving it a try?


how to run it?


Do you have another platform? Ex. an x86 desktop?
If yes, could you try the sample on the platform?


you mean windows pc?

Suggest to have Ubuntu host PC to try.

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