Select Prim(s) button

Is there a quick way to add this button to a property panel? So when I click on it it will popup a selection window like the one in screenshot. Please advise, thanks.

Hi @qazs

The following points show how to create and access the attribute according to the implementation…

  • OmniGraph

    • Define the attribute in .ogn file
            "inputs": {
                    "type": "bundle",
                    "description": "USD reference to the robot prim"
    • Access to the attribute value in .py file for a single entry
    • Access to the attribute value in .py file for multiple entries
    stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
    prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(db.node.get_prim_path())
  • USD prim

    • Create the attribute
    • Access to the attribute value

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