Shared memory as slow as global memory

I’m doing a CUDA program calculating a distance between two image. It uses 7*7 patches around each pixel, and the distance calculation is repeated multiple time (more or less 100 each time).

I tried one version using only global memory, which means that each pixels will do 77100*2=9600 global memory accesses. Then I wrote another version that filled shared memory buffers from global memory (2 global memory accesses per pixel), then is doing the distance calculation from shared memory (9600 shared memory accesses).

At first, I only did the calculation distance on each pixels once, and the shared memory version was slower; it didn’t surprise me much since there was an overhead fom storing the lines in shared memory, and I was reading them only one time, so it was a bit of a waste. Then I started to do the calculations multiple times per pixel, but the shared memory version was still slower.

Global memory version, code below (average kernel duration):

  • 10 calculations per pixel: 1.78ms
  • 100 calculations per pixel: 17.55ms
  • 1000 calculations per pixel: 175.10ms

Shared memory version, code below (average kernel duration):

  • 10 calculations per pixel: 2.64ms
  • 100 calculations per pixel: 25.44ms
  • 1000 calculations per pixel: 253.46ms

And the thing that surprised me is that they both get proportionnally slower for each additional calculations, even though it adds 49 global memory accesses to the first version, and 49 shared memory accesses to the second. I was expecting the shared memory version to get more and more interesting.

Why accessing shared memory is as slow as global memory? Am I using it correctly?

I assume there is multiple shared memory bank conflicts, but I would’ve assumed the shared memory version should still be faster, and I don’t see how I could access the memory in a better way due to the restrictions of my algorithm (= each pixels have to access 7*7 neighborhood) anyway.

Or could it be something related to compiler optimization? Could it be possible to make the shared version faster then?

Something else, really strange, that might be related.
When I remove in each kernels the two lines starting with “err += abs(”, which basically do all the work with the memory accesses, both kernels (global and shared) are 2-3ms slower (19ms and 28ms for 100 calculations per pixel instead of 17ms and 25ms)!
Why would removing memory accesses makes the program slower?

(I’m using a Tegra K1 / Jetson TK1, where the maximum global memory bandwidth is ~12.7Gbps)

#include <cuda.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define REPEAT (100)

/* Perform a L1 distance on a 7*7 neighborhood on a 320*240 image
 * 240 blocks of 320 threads each
__global__ void scan_ref(unsigned char *d_left, unsigned char *d_right,
		unsigned short width /*320*/, unsigned short height /*240*/, unsigned short wradius /*3*/)
	int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
	if (threadIdx.x < wradius || threadIdx.x > width - wradius - 1
			|| blockIdx.x < wradius || blockIdx.x > height - wradius - 1)

	int err = 0;
	for (int r = 0; r < REPEAT; ++r) {
		// for each pixels, 7*7*REPEAT*2 = 9800 global memory accesses
		for (short j = -wradius; j < wradius + 1; ++j) {
			for (short i = -wradius; i < wradius + 1; ++i) {
				err += abs(d_right[id + (j*width)+i] - d_left[id + (j*width)+i]);
	//validation[id] = err;

/* Perform a L1 distance on a 7*7 neighborhood on a 320*240 image with shared memory buffers
 * 4 blocks (or more, doesn't change the current problem) of 320 threads each; the image's height is automatically
 *   split to match the number of blocks. (4 blocks = 60+6 lines per block)
 * Each blocks first get the first 6 (if windows radius = 3) rows of his chunk,
 *   then, for each lines of the chunk, only one new line is loaded to shared memory
 *   and the L1 distance is done using the two (left and right) shared memory
 *   buffers instead of global memory direct accesses.
__global__ void scan_shr(unsigned char *d_left, unsigned char *d_right,
		unsigned short width /*320*/, unsigned short height /*240*/, unsigned short wradius /*3*/)
	int tid = threadIdx.x;
	int chunk = height / gridDim.x;
	int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + tid;
	__shared__ unsigned char line_l[320*7]; //store 7 lines from left and right in shared memory
	__shared__ unsigned char line_r[320*7];

	for (int i = 0; i < wradius * 2; ++i) {
		// load the first 6 lines of the block
		line_l[tid + width*(i+1)] = d_left[chunk*blockIdx.x*width + tid + width*i];
		line_r[tid + width*(i+1)] = d_right[chunk*blockIdx.x*width + tid + width*i];
	for (int i = chunk * blockIdx.x + wradius;
			i < chunk * (blockIdx.x + 1) - wradius + (blockIdx.x != gridDim.x - 1 ? wradius * 2 : 0); ++i) {
		for (int k = 0; k < wradius * 2; ++k) {
			// shift the lines 1-6 to 0-5
			line_l[(k*width) + tid] = line_l[width + (k*width) + tid];
			line_r[(k*width) + tid] = line_r[width + (k*width) + tid];
		gid = i * width + tid;
		// and fill the 6th line with new data
		line_l[tid + width*wradius*2] = d_left[gid + width*wradius];
		line_r[tid + width*wradius*2] = d_right[gid + width*wradius];

		if (tid >= wradius && tid <= width - wradius - 1) {
			int err = 0;
			for (int r = 0; r < REPEAT; ++r) {
				// for each pixels, 2 global memory accesses + 7*7*REPEAT*2(+26) = 9800 shared memory accesses
				for (short j = -wradius; j < wradius + 1; ++j) {
					for (short i = -wradius; i < wradius + 1; ++i) {
						err += abs(line_r[width*3 + tid + (j*width)+i] - line_l[width*3 + tid + (j*width)+i]);
			//validation[gid] = err;

int main(void) {
	const size_t size = sizeof(unsigned char) * 320 * 240;
	unsigned char *d_left, *d_right;
	unsigned char *h_left, *h_right;

	h_left = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);
	h_right = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);
	cudaMalloc(&d_left, size);
	cudaMalloc(&d_right, size);

	for (int k = 0; k < 20; ++k) {
		for (int i = 0; i < 320 * 240; ++i) {
			h_left[i] = (!(rand() % 5) ? rand() % 256 : 0);
			h_right[i] = (!(rand() % 5) ? rand() % 256 : 0);
		cudaMemcpy(d_left, h_left, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
		cudaMemcpy(d_right, h_right, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		scan_ref<<<240, 320>>>(d_left, d_right, 320, 240, 3);
		scan_shr<<<4, 320>>>(d_left, d_right, 320, 240, 3);


	return (0);

Are you missing a cudaDeviceSynchronize call in your for-loop or do you mean for that?

Yes, thanks. I forget to put it when I was extracting a small example out of my code. The results doesn’t really change anyway.

I presume the

//validation[gid] = err;

lines have not been commented out during benchmarking or the runtime would not have increased with the number of calculations per pixel?

What does the definition of


look like?

Hi tera,

“validation” is a 320*240 array of ints. I used it in order to verify the result of the shared memory implementation; those lines are not relevant to the algorithm and won’t be in the final code.

They were commented out during the benchmark, for which I used the exact same code I wrote here.

since noone gone with better idea, i suggest you to check both versions with profiler

looking at your code, i think the point is that GPU has L2 cache and sometime even use L1 cache for user data. In your reference code, d_right/left access is fully coalesced, total size of arrays is 150KB, and the part of arrays required for computations in a single SM is much less than L1 cache size. So it seems that your code is fast enough with cachiong alone, and all those extra shared mem operations just wastes the time

Some useful advice was given on the cross-posting:


similar to the comment by tera

one more point - try to use int instead of short for loop indexes. it may be much faster

Thanks for the insightful advices Bulat!

I knew about the shorts being slower than ints, but I didn’t thought the difference would be that huge; both versions are now 10% faster.
In the shared memory version, I changed the shared array from 1D to 2D, and add a small padding to the line width, in order to lower bank conflicts; it works a bit, and it’s now 2% faster.
I also change the grid size in the shared memory version from 4 to 48. It creates some redundant memory transactions, but it’s overall a lot faster.
With these 3 things, the second version is now almost as fast as the global memory version.

I’m not sure to understand everything about caches and bandwidth. I tested the bandwidth of my global memory and the result was around 12.677 Gbps. That’s basically the same number I obtained when calculating the theoretical bandwidth for a device with 64-bit-wide memory interface and 852Mhz: (0.852 * 10^9) * (64 / 8) * 2 / (1024^3) = 12.69 Gbps.
I was thinking that this bandwidth was only the highest attainable for global memory accesses, and assumed that shared memory, constant memory, L1/L2 caches, were able to reach way higher bandwidth. Is this true, or my bandwidth is limited to 12.69 Gbps, and I won’t reach anything above that ever?

I ran the profiler, both versions are now really close in time and bandwidth (12.504 Gbps for the global version, 12.319 Gbps for the shared memory). So I guess it replies my previous question, 12.69 Gbps is probably the limit for every possible type of memory.

It says that my warp divergence is around 20%, probably because 2/10 warps of each lines have to do the border checking. The surprising thing is that, when I remove the condition, the warp divergence disappears, but the code is now 70% slower! Anyway, it’s not related to the main problem.

txbob, about the SO answer/comment, I didn’t find it really satisfying since I was still doubtful about the compiler being able to optimize that much. I don’t understand why you said talonmies’s comment on SO and tera’s answer are similar.
I decided to cross-posted it here (sorry, I should’ve mentioned it) to be on a more specialized forum for CUDA talks.

Thanks again to you all for your time.