size limit of 1D FFT

Dear all: I want to do 3-dimensional sine FFT via cuFFT,

the procedure is

  1. compute 1-D FFT for dimension z with batch = n1*n2

2 transpose from (x,y,z) to (y,z,x)

  1. compute 1-D FFT for dimension x with batch = n2*n3

  2. transpose from (y,z,x) to (z,x,y)

  3. compute 1-D FFT for dimension y with batch = n1*n3

  4. transpose from (z,x,y) to (x,y,z)

everything is O.K. but I suffer problem on (nx,ny,nz) = (512,512,512)

the problem comes from 1-D FFT, I write simple code to demonstrate this

the following code is doing 1-D FFT R2C with size n * batch

trnasform real d_u (of size batch * n) to complex d_u_hat ( of size batch*(n/2+1) )

[codebox]#include <stdio.h>

#include <assert.h>

#include “global.h”

void randomInit(doublereal* data, unsigned long long int size)


for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){ data[i] = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; }


void test_1D_size_limit( void )


#ifdef DO_DOUBLE

int batch = 512 * 512  ; 

int n = 256*2 ;


int batch = 512 * 512  ; 

int n = 511*2 ;


cufftResult flag ;

cufftHandle  plan ; 

doublereal *d_u ; // device memory

Complex *d_u_hat ; // device memory

doublereal *u ; // host memory

// step 1: random data

u = (doublereal *)malloc( sizeof(doublereal)*batch*n ) ;

assert( u ) ;

randomInit( u,  batch*n ) ; // random data 

// step 2: out-of-place forward FFT in device

cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc((void**)&d_u, sizeof(doublereal)*batch*n) );

CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy( d_u, u, sizeof(doublereal)*batch*n , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );

cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc((void**)&d_u_hat, sizeof(Complex)*batch*((n>>1) + 1) ) );

#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

flag = cufftPlan1d(&plan, n, CUFFT_D2Z, batch );

if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){printf("Error: cufftPlan1d( CUFFT_D2Z ) fails\n"); }


flag = cufftPlan1d(&plan, n, CUFFT_R2C, batch );

if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){ printf("Error: cufftPlan1d( CUFFT_R2C ) fails\n"); }


#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

flag = cufftExecD2Z( plan, (cufftDoubleReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );


flag = cufftExecR2C( plan,       (cufftReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );


if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){

	printf("Error (cufftExecR2C): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

	printf("error code (cufft) = %d\n", flag);




the content of file “global.h” is

[codebox]// “global.h”

#include <cufft.h>

#include <cutil_inline.h>

//#define DO_DOUBLE

#ifdef DO_DOUBLE

typedef double  doublereal ;

typedef cufftDoubleComplex Complex; 


typedef float   doublereal ;

typedef cufftComplex  Complex; 


  1. batch = 512 * 512, n = 511*2

    the program is O.K.

  2. batch = 512 * 512, n = 512*2

output is

Error (cufftExecR2C): memory size or pointer value too large to fit in 32 bit

error code (cufft) = 6

after searching cufft.h, error code = 6 means “CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED”

so this is not out-of-memory problem,

does this mean that maximum size of 1-D FFT R2C is 512512511*2, which leads to

2GB ( du + du_hat )

ps: my platform is winxp pro64, vc2005, Tesla C1060, driver 190.38, cuda 2.3

sorry, I must correct my testing code,

I use cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()) to find out error message,

[codebox]// step 1: random generate data

u = (doublereal *)malloc( sizeof(doublereal)*batch*n ) ;

assert( u ) ;

randomInit( u,  batch*n ) ;

// step 2: out-of-place forward FFT in device

cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc((void**)&d_u, sizeof(doublereal)*batch*n) );

CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy( d_u, u, sizeof(doublereal)*batch*n , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );

cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc((void**)&d_u_hat, sizeof(Complex)*batch*((n>>1) + 1) ) );

#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

cufftPlan1d(&plan, n, CUFFT_D2Z, batch );


cufftPlan1d(&plan, n, CUFFT_R2C, batch );



printf("Error( cufftPlan1d ): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

flag = cufftExecD2Z( plan, (cufftDoubleReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );


flag = cufftExecR2C( plan,       (cufftReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );



printf("Error(cufftExecR2C): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){

	printf("Error (cufftExecR2C): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

	printf("error code (cufft) = %d\n", flag);



if batch = 256 * 256, n = 128 ,then error occurs

output is

Error( cufftPlan1d ): no error

Error(cufftExecR2C): invalid configuration argument

(1) if I try (batch,n) = (256*255, 128), then no error.

This may imply that “1D transform sizes up to 8 million elements”

however if I try (batch,n) = (1, 256* 256 * 128), then no error.

I am confused.

(2) when error “invalid configuration argument” occurs,

why cufftExecR2C return “CUFFT_SUCCESS” such that code segment

if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){

		printf("Error (cufftExecR2C): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

		printf("error code (cufft) = %d\n", flag);



does not show any error?

Can anyone repeat my error?

dear all: I write another code to test size limit of 1-D FFT

Given (n1, n2, n3)

  1. compute FFT along z-axis with size 2*(n3+1), batch = n1*n2

  2. compute FFT along x-axis with size 2*(n1+1), batch = n2*n3

  3. compute FFT along y-axis with size 2*(n2+1), batch = n3*n1

after each cufftExecR2C call, we use cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError())

to report its error message.

source is

[codebox]ifdef DO_DOUBLE

int n1 = 512 ;

int n2 = 512 ;

int n3 = 383 ;


int n1 = 511 ;

int n2 = 511 ;

int n3 = 768 ;


cufftResult  flag ;

cufftHandle  plan_z, plan_x, plan_y ; 

doublereal *d_u ; // device memory

Complex *d_u_hat ; // device memory

doublereal *u ; // host memory

int  NN = n1*n2 ;

NN = qMax( NN, n2*n3 ) ;

NN = qMax( NN, n3*n1 ) ; // NN = max( n1, n2, n3)

size_t numOfElement = n1*n2*n3 + 2*NN ;

// step 1: random generate data

u = (doublereal *)malloc( sizeof(doublereal)*numOfElement ) ;

assert( u ) ;

randomInit( u,  numOfElement ) ;

// step 2: out-of-place forward FFT in device

cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc((void**)&d_u, sizeof(doublereal)*numOfElement) );

CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy( d_u, u, sizeof(doublereal)*numOfElement , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );

cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc((void**)&d_u_hat, sizeof(Complex)*numOfElement) );	

#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

cufftPlan1d(&plan_z, 2*(n3+1), CUFFT_D2Z, n1*n2 );

cufftPlan1d(&plan_x, 2*(n1+1), CUFFT_D2Z, n2*n3 );

cufftPlan1d(&plan_y, 2*(n2+1), CUFFT_D2Z, n3*n1 );


cufftPlan1d(&plan_z, 2*(n3+1), CUFFT_R2C, n1*n2 );

cufftPlan1d(&plan_x, 2*(n1+1), CUFFT_R2C, n2*n3 );

cufftPlan1d(&plan_y, 2*(n2+1), CUFFT_R2C, n3*n1 );



code is so long that I divide it into two parts

[codebox]// z-FFT

#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

flag = cufftExecD2Z( plan_z, (cufftDoubleReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );


flag = cufftExecR2C( plan_z,       (cufftReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );



printf("Error(cufft, z-axis): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){ printf("error code (cufft) = %d\n", flag); }	

// x-axis FFT

#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

flag = cufftExecD2Z( plan_x, (cufftDoubleReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );


flag = cufftExecR2C( plan_x,       (cufftReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );



printf("Error(cufft, x-axis): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){ printf("error code (cufft) = %d\n", flag); }

// y-axis FFT

#if defined (DO_DOUBLE)

flag = cufftExecD2Z( plan_y, (cufftDoubleReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );


flag = cufftExecR2C( plan_y,       (cufftReal *)d_u, d_u_hat );



printf("Error(cufft, y-axis): %s \n",cudaGetErrorString (cudaGetLastError()));

if ( CUFFT_SUCCESS != flag ){ printf("error code (cufft) = %d\n", flag); }		[/codebox]

platform: winxp pro64, vc2005, Tesla C1060, driver 190.38, cuda2.3

we consider “float” version and output is summaried as following table

(1) size: total device memory

(2) z-FFT: error message after z-FFT

(3) x-FFT: error message after x-FFT

(4) y-FFT: error message after y-FFT


n1,n2,n3 | size | z-FFT | x-FFT | y-FFT |


255,255,255 | 255 MB | no error | no error | no error |


511,255,255 | 511 MB | invalid configuration | no error | invalid configuration |

          |         | argument               |                        | argument               |


512,256,256 | 516 MB | no error | no error | no error |


511,511,255 | 1024 MB | invalid configuration | invalid configuration | out of memory |

          |         | argument               | argument               | CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED      |


512,512,256 | 1032 MB | no error | no error | no error |


511,511,511 | 2044 MB | out of memory | out of memory | out of memory |

          |         | CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED      | CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED      | CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED      |


512,512,512 | 2056 MB | no error | no error | no error |


512,511,767 | 3074 MB | no error | no error | memory size or pointer |

          |         |                        |                        | value too large to fit |

          |         |                        |                        | in 32 bit              |


512,512,767 | 3080 MB | no error | no error | no error |


512,512,768 | 3084 MB | no error | no error | no error |


512,512,1024 | 4112 MB | no error | CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN | CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN |


I have no consistent explanation on above table.

for example, (n1,n2,n3) = (511,511,511) shows “out of memory” but

(n1,n2,n3) = (512,512,512) works without error

Does anyone have ideas?

problem is still the same even installing latest cuda 2.3 posted in

does anyone have the same experience?

Maybe the problem lies in the memory-bound transpose program. Have you solved it?

I am having the same exact problem. The image processing program that I am working with uses cufftPlan1d CUFFT_R2C followed by CUFFT_C2R to filter images.

If I set 1024 as my transform size (nx) and 1000 (height of the image) as the number of transforms (batch) everything works fine.

If I set 2048 as my transform size (nx) and 2000 (height of the image) as the number of transforms (batch) this is the error I get: CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED

What are the official limits of cufftPlan1d?

BTW my Tesla GPU has 3GB memory.

I am being told these sizes should work, so the problem is likely elsewhere. Are you using CUDA 4.0? Could you attach a small, self-contained, app that reproduces the problem?

The guy who wrote the program originaly was using half height of the image as a dimension of blockdim of cuda kernel operations. So 1024/2 = 512 and is withn limits. 2048/2 exceeds 512 which exceeds the maximum number of threads in a block: 512. See reference below. The next cuda operation to be called was the cufftExecR2C. For whatever reason the first cuda operation wasn’t failing but the cufftExecR2C which followed was. I figure the GPU was fritzed out by the first operation and the next operation to come along crashed.

The total size of a block is limited at 512 threads

From page 2/10 of this reference manual:

It looks like the apps is missing some error checking upstream of the CUFFT call. Since the error status isn’t checked and cleared, it then gets reported on a subsequent CUDA operation, which in this case happened to be inside the CUFFT call. As this can be very confusing(as the present case demonstrates), I recommend checking every API call and every kernel launch. It seems like in your case there is a previous kernel launch that is not checked. To catch both synchronously reported pre-launch errors and asynchronously kernle failures in non-production code I use the following handy macro:

// Macro to catch CUDA errors in kernel launches

#define CHECK_LAUNCH_ERROR()                                          \

do {                                                                  \

    /* Check synchronous errors, i.e. pre-launch */                   \

    cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();                             \

    if (cudaSuccess != err) {                                         \

        fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\

                 __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err) );       \

        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                           \

    }                                                                 \

    /* Check asynchronous errors, i.e. kernel failed (ULF) */         \

    err = cudaThreadSynchronize();                                    \

    if (cudaSuccess != err) {                                         \

        fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\

                 __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString( err) );      \

        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                           \

    }                                                                 \

} while (0)