Slice & resize operators error: N shape values provided by optimization profile, which is not product of its dimensions [N]


I have a simple ONNX graph which takes input X (1x3x256x256), slice it and resize to output Y (1x3x64x64), attached below. The graph takes starts and ends inputs which are used by the Slice operator, and the operator’s axes input is a graph initializer constant [2,3] to allow slicing only on height & width. Thus, starts and ends are of type int32[2] with constant shape. However:

Running trtexec --onnx=test.onnx produces error: Dynamic dimensions required for input: starts_1234, but no shapes were provided. Automatically overriding shape to: 1x1

Running trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --shapes=starts_1234:2,ends_1234:2 produces error: Error Code 4: Internal Error (starts_1234: 2 shape values provided by optimization profile, which is not product of its dimensions [2].)

Finally, running trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --minShapes=starts_1234:0x0,ends_1234:0x0 --maxShapes=starts_1234:256x256,ends_1234:256x256 --optShapes=starts_1234:0x0,ends_1234:128x128 works fine. I think it wants to know the slice sizes for building optimization profiling. However, I think this will degrade runtime performance since the slices could be arbitrary.

Is this the best way to run this model?


TensorRT Version:
GPU Type: GTX 1080
Nvidia Driver Version: 470.103.01
CUDA Version: 11.1
CUDNN Version: 8.2
Operating System + Version: Ubuntu 20.04
Python Version (if applicable):
TensorFlow Version (if applicable):
PyTorch Version (if applicable):
Baremetal or Container (if container which image + tag):

Relevant Files

ONNX model file: test.onnx - Google Drive.

Steps To Reproduce

Run the trtexec commands above.

Request you to share the ONNX model and the script if not shared already so that we can assist you better.
Alongside you can try few things:

  1. validating your model with the below snippet

import sys
import onnx
filename = yourONNXmodel
model = onnx.load(filename)
2) Try running your model with trtexec command.

In case you are still facing issue, request you to share the trtexec “”–verbose"" log for further debugging

Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I have already posted the gdrive link to the ONNX model in the original post above. The model check with onnx.checker.check_model() is also successful. Here are the verbose outputs from trtexec:

./trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --verbose
&&&& RUNNING TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8202] # ./trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --verbose
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] === Model Options ===
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Format: ONNX
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Model: test.onnx
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Output:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] === Build Options ===
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Max batch: explicit batch
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Workspace: 16 MiB
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] minTiming: 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] avgTiming: 8
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Precision: FP32
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Calibration:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Refit: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Sparsity: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Safe mode: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] DirectIO mode: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Restricted mode: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Save engine:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Load engine:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Profiling verbosity: 0
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Tactic sources: Using default tactic sources
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] timingCacheMode: local
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] timingCacheFile:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Input(s)s format: fp32:CHW
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Output(s)s format: fp32:CHW
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Input build shapes: model
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Input calibration shapes: model
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] === System Options ===
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Device: 0
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] DLACore:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Plugins:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] === Inference Options ===
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Batch: Explicit
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Input inference shapes: model
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Iterations: 10
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Duration: 3s (+ 200ms warm up)
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Sleep time: 0ms
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Idle time: 0ms
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Streams: 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] ExposeDMA: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Data transfers: Enabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Spin-wait: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Multithreading: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] CUDA Graph: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Separate profiling: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Time Deserialize: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Time Refit: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Skip inference: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Inputs:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] === Reporting Options ===
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Verbose: Enabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Averages: 10 inferences
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Percentile: 99
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Dump refittable layers:Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Dump output: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Profile: Disabled
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Export timing to JSON file:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Export output to JSON file:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Export profile to JSON file:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I]
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] === Device Information ===
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Selected Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Compute Capability: 6.1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] SMs: 20
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Compute Clock Rate: 1.7335 GHz
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Device Global Memory: 8116 MiB
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Shared Memory per SM: 96 KiB
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Memory Bus Width: 256 bits (ECC disabled)
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Memory Clock Rate: 5.005 GHz
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I]
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] TensorRT version: 8.2.2
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Clip_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TFTRT_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +178, GPU +0, now: CPU 189, GPU 246 (MiB)
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageSnapshot] Begin constructing builder kernel library: CPU 189 MiB, GPU 246 MiB
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageSnapshot] End constructing builder kernel library: CPU 252 MiB, GPU 246 MiB
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Start parsing network model
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] Input filename: test.onnx
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] ONNX IR version: 0.0.8
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] Opset version: 12
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] Producer name: onnx-example
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] Producer version:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] Domain:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] Model version: 0
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] Doc string:
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] [TRT] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Region_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Clip_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ScatterND version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CropAndResize version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TFTRT_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Proposal version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Split version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: X with dtype: float32, dimensions: (1, 3, 256, 256)
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: X for ONNX tensor: X
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: starts_1234 with dtype: int32, dimensions: (2)
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: starts_1234 for ONNX tensor: starts_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: ends_1234 with dtype: int32, dimensions: (2)
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: ends_1234 for ONNX tensor: ends_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: axes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: scales_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: sizes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1234 [Slice]
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: X
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: starts_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: ends_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: axes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Slice_1234 [Slice] inputs: [X → (1, 3, 256, 256)[FLOAT]], [starts_1234 → (2)[INT32]], [ends_1234 → (2)[INT32]], [axes_constant_1234 → (2)[INT32]],
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:366: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1234 for ONNX node: Slice_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: Slice_1234 for ONNX tensor: Slice_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Slice_1234 [Slice] outputs: [Slice_1234 → (1, 3, -1, -1)[FLOAT]],
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Resize_1234 [Resize]
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: Slice_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: roi_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: scales_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: sizes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Resize_1234 [Resize] inputs: [Slice_1234 → (1, 3, -1, -1)[FLOAT]], [roi_constant_1234 → ()[FLOAT]], [scales_constant_1234 → ()[FLOAT]], [sizes_constant_1234 → (4)[INT32]],
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Resize_1234 for ONNX node: Resize_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: sizes_constant_1234 for ONNX node: sizes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: Y_0 for ONNX tensor: Y
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Resize_1234 [Resize] outputs: [Y → (1, 3, 64, 64)[FLOAT]],
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [V] [TRT] Marking Y_0 as output: Y
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [I] Finish parsing network model
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [W] Dynamic dimensions required for input: starts_1234, but no shapes were provided. Automatically overriding shape to: 1x1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [W] Dynamic dimensions required for input: ends_1234, but no shapes were provided. Automatically overriding shape to: 1x1
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [E] Error[4]: [graphShapeAnalyzer.cpp::processCheck::581] Error Code 4: Internal Error (Resize_1234: IResizeLayer requires that if input dimension is zero, output dimension must be zero too (axis = 2 input dimension = 0 output dimension = 64)
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [E] Error[2]: [builder.cpp::buildSerializedNetwork::609] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion enginePtr != nullptr failed. )
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [E] Engine could not be created from network
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [E] Building engine failed
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [E] Failed to create engine from model.
[04/06/2022-14:00:09] [E] Engine set up failed
&&&& FAILED TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8202] # ./trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --verbose

./trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --shapes=starts_1234:2,ends_1234:2 --verbose
&&&& RUNNING TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8202] # ./trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --shapes=starts_1234:2,ends_1234:2 --verbose
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] === Model Options ===
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Format: ONNX
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Model: test.onnx
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Output:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] === Build Options ===
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Max batch: explicit batch
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Workspace: 16 MiB
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] minTiming: 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] avgTiming: 8
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Precision: FP32
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Calibration:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Refit: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Sparsity: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Safe mode: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] DirectIO mode: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Restricted mode: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Save engine:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Load engine:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Profiling verbosity: 0
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Tactic sources: Using default tactic sources
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] timingCacheMode: local
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] timingCacheFile:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Input(s)s format: fp32:CHW
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Output(s)s format: fp32:CHW
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Input build shape: starts_1234=2+2+2
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Input build shape: ends_1234=2+2+2
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Input calibration shapes: model
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] === System Options ===
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Device: 0
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] DLACore:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Plugins:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] === Inference Options ===
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Batch: Explicit
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Input inference shape: ends_1234=2
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Input inference shape: starts_1234=2
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Iterations: 10
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Duration: 3s (+ 200ms warm up)
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Sleep time: 0ms
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Idle time: 0ms
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Streams: 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] ExposeDMA: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Data transfers: Enabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Spin-wait: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Multithreading: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] CUDA Graph: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Separate profiling: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Time Deserialize: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Time Refit: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Skip inference: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Inputs:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] === Reporting Options ===
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Verbose: Enabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Averages: 10 inferences
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Percentile: 99
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Dump refittable layers:Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Dump output: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Profile: Disabled
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Export timing to JSON file:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Export output to JSON file:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Export profile to JSON file:
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I]
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] === Device Information ===
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Selected Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Compute Capability: 6.1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] SMs: 20
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Compute Clock Rate: 1.7335 GHz
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Device Global Memory: 8116 MiB
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Shared Memory per SM: 96 KiB
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Memory Bus Width: 256 bits (ECC disabled)
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] Memory Clock Rate: 5.005 GHz
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I]
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] TensorRT version: 8.2.2
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Clip_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TFTRT_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:09] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +178, GPU +0, now: CPU 189, GPU 246 (MiB)
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageSnapshot] Begin constructing builder kernel library: CPU 189 MiB, GPU 246 MiB
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageSnapshot] End constructing builder kernel library: CPU 252 MiB, GPU 246 MiB
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] Start parsing network model
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] Input filename: test.onnx
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] ONNX IR version: 0.0.8
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] Opset version: 12
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] Producer name: onnx-example
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] Producer version:
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] Domain:
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] Model version: 0
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] Doc string:
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] [TRT] ----------------------------------------------------------------
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Region_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Clip_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ScatterND version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CropAndResize version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TFTRT_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Proposal version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Split version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: X with dtype: float32, dimensions: (1, 3, 256, 256)
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: X for ONNX tensor: X
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: starts_1234 with dtype: int32, dimensions: (2)
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: starts_1234 for ONNX tensor: starts_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: ends_1234 with dtype: int32, dimensions: (2)
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: ends_1234 for ONNX tensor: ends_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: axes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: scales_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: sizes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1234 [Slice]
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: X
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: starts_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: ends_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: axes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Slice_1234 [Slice] inputs: [X → (1, 3, 256, 256)[FLOAT]], [starts_1234 → (2)[INT32]], [ends_1234 → (2)[INT32]], [axes_constant_1234 → (2)[INT32]],
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:366: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1234 for ONNX node: Slice_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: Slice_1234 for ONNX tensor: Slice_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Slice_1234 [Slice] outputs: [Slice_1234 → (1, 3, -1, -1)[FLOAT]],
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Resize_1234 [Resize]
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: Slice_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: roi_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: scales_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: sizes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Resize_1234 [Resize] inputs: [Slice_1234 → (1, 3, -1, -1)[FLOAT]], [roi_constant_1234 → ()[FLOAT]], [scales_constant_1234 → ()[FLOAT]], [sizes_constant_1234 → (4)[INT32]],
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Resize_1234 for ONNX node: Resize_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: sizes_constant_1234 for ONNX node: sizes_constant_1234
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: Y_0 for ONNX tensor: Y
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Resize_1234 [Resize] outputs: [Y → (1, 3, 64, 64)[FLOAT]],
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [V] [TRT] Marking Y_0 as output: Y
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [I] Finish parsing network model
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [E] Error[4]: [network.cpp::validate::2989] Error Code 4: Internal Error (starts_1234: 2 shape values provided by optimization profile, which is not product of its dimensions [2].)
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [E] Error[2]: [builder.cpp::buildSerializedNetwork::609] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion enginePtr != nullptr failed. )
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [E] Engine could not be created from network
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [E] Building engine failed
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [E] Failed to create engine from model.
[04/06/2022-13:59:10] [E] Engine set up failed
&&&& FAILED TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8202] # ./trtexec --onnx=test.onnx --shapes=starts_1234:2,ends_1234:2 --verbose


You can try optimization profiles.

Thank you.