SMCU update bug on BMC UI update

I tried updating the SMCU via the BMC webUI, but it gives me an error.

“id”: “2”,
“severity”: “Critical”,
“date”: “2024-03-05T14:18:48.000Z”,
“type”: “Event”,
“description”: “Transfer of image ‘0.0’ to ‘’ failed.”,
“name”: “System Event Log Entry”,
“modifiedDate”: null,
“uri”: “/redfish/v1/Systems/IGX_BMC_System_0/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/2”,
“filterByStatus”: “Unresolved”,
“status”: false,
“additionalDataUri”: “/redfish/v1/Systems/IGX_BMC_System_0/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/2/attachment”

When I tried via the commandline, it did seem to work correctly though, BUT there was an error when the BMC tried using it:
“id”: “1”,
“severity”: “Critical”,
“date”: “2024-03-05T14:43:05.000Z”,
“type”: “Event”,
“description”: “Service_CPU_bmcweb sensor value (Reading = 15.198430) has crossed peak Threshold = 15.000000”,
“name”: “System Event Log Entry”,
“modifiedDate”: null,
“uri”: “/redfish/v1/Systems/IGX_BMC_System_0/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/1”,
“filterByStatus”: “Unresolved”,
“status”: false,
“additionalDataUri”: “/redfish/v1/Systems/IGX_BMC_System_0/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/1/attachment”

I also tried the redfish method, but it didn’t work too.

Hi tony.reina,

Are you using C00 or C01 IGX board?

Please share the detailed commands you used to update SMCU through command in BMC and the results showing in the terminal for further check.

C01 IGX board. I followed the directions here: Install IGX-Software - NVIDIA Docs

Brandon Johnson and Neel Patel from NVidia have been helping me and they asked me to add the ticket here.

Hi Tony,

Check the logs by running journalctl | grep SMCU from BMC console.

It should say “Finished Update SMCU.”

You can check the SMCU version using the mcuboot command in the terminal.

root@mgx-3809:~# journalctl | grep SMCU
Mar 05 15:06:41 mgx-3809 systemd[1]: Starting IGX SMCU Flash Code Manager...
Mar 05 15:06:42 mgx-3809 systemd[1]: Started IGX SMCU Flash Code Manager.
root@mgx-3809:~# date
Tue Mar  5 15:12:06 UTC 2024

Please refer to the following steps to update SMCU firmware and share the logs.

[Ubuntu host]
$ wget
$ sudo tar xvjf smcu_ifw_r36.3.1_aarch64.tbz2
$ scp <smcu>/IFW/P3740-Aurix-StepB_C01.hex root@

[BMC console]
# systemctl stop obmc-console\@ttyS2.service
# cd /etc/smcu-flash
# ./ ttyS2 921600 ~/P3740-Aurix-StepB_C01.hex
# systemctl start obmc-console\@ttyS2.service


Thanks. Yes. Those are the exact steps that I followed. I demonstrated this to Brandon and Neel.

For some reason, I still get the error logs as listed above.


@brandonj is there any update on this? I’m thinking of just skipping the SMCU upgrade and installing the IGX Production OS, but will hold off if there is a fix forthcoming.

Please share the full logs in each steps I shared.

I cannot reproduce your issue on the devkit. (i.e. I can update SMCU firmware with the steps I shared.)

I attached the logs in my previous message.

Brandon and Neel have been helping me from the NV team. They watched me enter the commands just as the docs described and can confirm I am getting the errors logs I sent.

I think it might be easier to connect with them internally to verify that this is indeed a bug somewhere. Brandon even told me that someone else may have reported this bug.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

Sorry that I can’t find any clue in your log from original post.

I can’t reproduce this issue on my local developer kit board so that I want to get the log in each steps from you and compare them.

What’s your current BMC version?