Strange change in behaviour between float and double


the following testcase shows a really strange change in behaviuor:

#include <cutil_inline.h>

#include <stdio.h>

typedef float my_t;

__global__ void kill(my_t* X, int size) {

		for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

				for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) {

						X[i*size + j] = 0;




void run(my_t* A, int size) {

		my_t* devA;

		cudaMalloc((void**)&devA, sizeof(my_t) * size * size);

		cudaMemcpy(devA, A, sizeof(my_t) * size * size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		printf("before %f\n", A[0]);

		kill<<<1, 1>>>(devA, size);

		cudaMemcpy(A, devA, sizeof(my_t) * size * size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);


		printf("after %f\n", A[0]);


void init(my_t* A, int size) {

		for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

				for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) {

						A[i * size + j] = i + j + 1.0;




int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

		int size = 3;

		my_t* A = (my_t*)malloc(sizeof(my_t)*size*size);

		if(A == NULL) {

				fprintf(stderr, "Can't alloc A\n");



		printf("Running with %d byte floating point numbers\n", sizeof(my_t));

		init(A, size);

		run(A, size);



nvcc --compiler-options -g -I/home/pkilian/cuda/include -I/home/pkilian/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common/inc -o -c

g++ -g -O0 -o broken -L/home/pkilian/cuda/lib -L/home/pkilian/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/lib -L/home/pkilian/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common/lib/linux -lcudart -L/home/pkilian/cuda/lib -lcutil


Running with 4 byte floating point numbers

before 1.000000

after 0.000000

This is the behaviour I exspected. But if I change the “float” to “double” the following happens:

nvcc --compiler-options -g -I/home/pkilian/cuda/include -I/home/pkilian/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common/inc -o -c

g++ -g -O0 -o broken -L/home/pkilian/cuda/lib -L/home/pkilian/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/lib -L/home/pkilian/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/common/lib/linux -lcudart -L/home/pkilian/cuda/lib -lcutil


Running with 8 byte floating point numbers

before 1.000000

after 1.000000

A[0][0] is no longer set to 0!

This is with cuda toolkit 2.1, cuda sdk 2.1, g++ (GCC) 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-25) on a quadcore 64 bit machine with Intel Core2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz and 4 GB of Ram. The graphics card is a GeForce GTX 295 from Gainward.

Did I miss a bug in my code? Is this a bug in Cuda? Or what’s going on here? Any pointers?

You could throw some cuda error checks in there to see if maybe the kernel isn’t being called?

You need to add the flag " -arch sm_13" when you compile to enable double precision.


Yes, this indeed fixes this perplexing bug.

But it leaves me with new questions: Why doesn’t the compiler tell me that “double” is only supported by hardware with 1.3 compute capabilities? Or at least generate code that fails at runtime with a clear message what I did wrong? Even a “I don’t know what you are talking about, lets just call exit” handling by the compiler would be better than the current state of affairs.

Before I continue to rant and start to use more colorful language: Thanks again for the quick response.

I think it is because of backwards compatibility. Early CUDA demoted doubles automatically to floats. So without the switch you get the old behaviour (so people do not need to rewrite their code).
As far as I remember, you also needed to add the flag --arch sm_11 when you wanted to use 1.1 hardware features when that hardware came out. This way the ‘burden’ is on the people using new stuff.

That must’ve been a really early version of CUDA. I used 1.1 for my research purposes back in the beginning of 2008 and there was no 1.3 devices out, so no double support. Even then running kernels in double mode did not work and there was no warning from the compiler.

Hmm, then my memory serves me badly. At least I have always been very careful to keep everything float because it was stated numerous times that in future hardware double would be supported and your code could do strange things.