I know that DeepStream requires either Tesla or Jetson based hardware to run, so I’m looking for some suggestions on a reasonable platform to start tinkering with DeepStream, hopefully without taking the very $$$ step of purchasing a Tesla card. With that said, I’d just like to be able to build and run the reference apps, and possibly try to get one of my custom-trained Tensorflow object detector networks to run on multiple video streams.
You can refer to Real-Time Performance with DeepStream comparison table at [url]https://developer.nvidia.com/deepstream-sdk[/url] to have some ideas to choice the suitable platform to develop your project.
Jetson Nano Dev kit is the perfect hardware to start playing with DeepStream and AI. It’s only $100 and is the cheapest AI machine.
It can run all the DeepStream application that you can run on Tesla GPUs
Thanks for the quick response! Think I might try the TX2 Dev Kit. Looks like it will let me try DeepStream first hand and get a better feel for it. Thanks again.
Sorry I can’t accept both responses as the answer. Both helpful. I’m sure I’ll be back to ask more questions once I start digging in. :-)