Support of monochrome sensors?

Hi ISP experts,

I am using the below ISP configuration for my monochrome sensor :
defaults.yuvMatrix[0] = {0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333, 0};
defaults.yuvMatrix[1] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
defaults.yuvMatrix[2] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
defaults.yuvMatrix[3] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

which is mainly copied from the following discussion : Demosaicing settings for CCCC (monochrome) sensors - #4 by ClusterImaging.

It worked only after removing the first line as suggested in Image capture from monochrome bayer RAW sensnor with TX2 - #3 by Michaellovemilk. I even tried to for the Jetson Orin NX family (based on my guess) but no luck.

I would like to know if that first line is necessary ? Any impact of removing it?

Thanks and best regards,

What’s the version? With the first line can launch camera?
Suppose should harmless for removing the first line like on TX2 platform.

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I am using Jetpack-5.1.2 with the Jetson Orin NX modue.

Best Regards,

Add “” can launch camera but the effect didn’t as expected? Or can’t launch camera?

I could NOT launch the preview with gst-lauch command.

Best Regards,

Please remove the for Orin.


Hi @ShaneCCC,

Thanks for the advice. I was able to preview the image from the sensor but it seems that it lacks of sharpness. I contacted the camera vendor which is one of your camera partners for the ISP tuning of the monochrome sensor that we purchased from them and received the following answer :

We attempted the ISP tuning for monochrome sensors but found out that Nvidia do not fully support the ISP pipeline, which resulted to chroma artifacts. For this reason, unfortunately, we did not release the ISP tuning for the monochrome sensors.

It looks like that we cannot use monochrome sensors with Nvidia Jetson platforms for the moment due to above limitation if it’s true. Do you confirm?

Best Regards,

For the monochrome sensor you can consult with camera partner to do the tone curve adjust to optimize the image.

BTW, do you have detail information about the chroma artifacts.

Hi @ShaneCCC

BTW, do you have detail information about the chroma artifacts.

The question has been forwarded to the support team of the camera partner in contact. I will update you whenever the required information is available.

Hi @ShaneCCC,

The camera partner said :

Previous JP versions do not actually allow the Debayering block to be bypassed or turned off, which affects monochrome sensors.

They also shared the images of the artifacts but they are under NDA therefore I cannot provide them here, however.

May I know the camera partner?

Hi @ShaneCCC,

Please check the inbox!

Best Regards,

hello khang.l4es,

according to above,
would you please also share the abnormal capture results for reference,

Hi @JerryChang,

Unfortunately, I was asked not to share the captured images of the chroma artifacts (which can only be shared under NDA and in order to avoid confusion with potential on-going discussion(s) btw the both parties).


hello khang.l4es,

all right… I’m not aware any chroma artifacts issue at the moment.
let’s asking Jetson Camera Partners for issue following up internally.

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