Suppressing warnings in system headers?

I am seeing warnings like the following when I compile my C code

PGC-W-0155-64-bit integral value truncated (/usr/include/wctype.h: 108)
PGC-W-0155-64-bit integral value truncated (/usr/include/wctype.h: 109)
PGC-W-0155-64-bit integral value truncated (/usr/include/wctype.h: 110)
PGC-W-0155-64-bit integral value truncated (/usr/include/wctype.h: 111)
PGC/x86-64 Linux 8.0-6: compilation completed with warnings

I am not concerned so much about the warning itself, as how might I tell pgcc not to generate warnings for system headers. Is there some way to get this behavior? Warnings like these from the system headers (over which I have no control) for each .c file in my application makes it hard to quickly identify warnings about code I do have control over.

Hi Paul,

“-w” will suppress all warnings, but unfortunately we don’t have the ability to suppress warning from just the system include files. Please send a note to PGI customer service ( requesting this as new feature. I think it would be useful as well and hopefully our engineers can add it without too much difficulty.
