I’m running the entire classification process in the notebook and I’m getting the onnx model. After resolving the error “Initializer onnx::MatMul_3870 appears in graph inputs and will not be treated as a constant value/weight.” with remove_initializer_from_input.py,
I’m unable to correctly classify images presented to the camera.
I substituted the TAO onnx model with the “resnet18-v1-7” model from onnx, and my program works fine. It classifies everything I present to it.
I checked the model’s input:
input_1, Shape: [‘batch’, 3, 224, 224]
and the image format I’m passing to it.
1, 3, 224, 224)
So I’m wondering if the problem is known, and what solution I could implement.
Sylvain Bolduc