Tao convertor

im trying to generate engine file with below command

./tao-converter -k nvidia_tlt -p Input,1x3x544x960,8x3x544x960,16x3x544x960 -d 3,544,960 -o NMS -e trt.engine -m 1 -t fp32 -i nchw /app/model/License_Plate/tlt_pretrained_models/trafficcamnet/resnet18_trafficcamnet_pruned.etlt

And i get the below error

[ERROR] UffParser: Could not parse MetaGraph from /tmp/filec3Lm66
[ERROR] Failed to parse the model, please check the encoding key to make sure it's correct
[ERROR] Network must have at least one output
[ERROR] Network validation failed.
[ERROR] Unable to create engine
Segmentation fault

Refer to DetectNet_v2 — TAO Toolkit 3.22.05 documentation .
Your command is not correct.

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