I’d like to fetch texel from a texture without a sampler. HLSL provides a Texture.Load() function that does this.
In GLSL there’s texelFetch function which takes a gsampler and a uint2 (for sampler2D) and returns the texel value. In OpenGL it simply bypasses the sampler configuration.
I tried to pass a texture2D instead of a sampler2D to texelFetch ; glslang doesn’t complain at all and build a shader. However when creating the pipeline the Nvidia driver emits an error :
"[Driver] Code 1: Fragment info
(0): fatal error C9999: Can’t convert to expr: texelFetch"
using driver 365.10.
Is this a driver bug or is texelFetch not intended to be used on texture and in the later case, what is the glsl equivalent of texture.Load function ? I would like to avoid creating and tracking a sampler if possible.
For reference here is the dump with -H :
Warning, version 450 is not yet complete; most version-specific features are present, but some are missing.
Linked fragment stage:
// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80001
// Id’s are bound by 69
Capability Shader
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 12 57
ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
Source GLSL 450
SourceExtension "GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects"
SourceExtension "GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack"
Name 4 "main"
Name 9 "uv"
Name 12 "gl_FragCoord"
Name 19 "d"
Name 22 "tex"
Name 34 "c0"
Name 36 "SSAOBuffer"
MemberName 36(SSAOBuffer) 0 "ModelMatrix"
MemberName 36(SSAOBuffer) 1 "ViewProjectionMatrix"
MemberName 36(SSAOBuffer) 2 "ProjectionMatrix"
MemberName 36(SSAOBuffer) 3 "zn"
MemberName 36(SSAOBuffer) 4 "zf"
Name 38 ""
Name 47 "c1"
Name 53 "c2"
Name 57 "FragColor"
Name 68 "Depth"
Decorate 12(gl_FragCoord) BuiltIn FragCoord
Decorate 22(tex) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 22(tex) Binding 0
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 0 ColMajor
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 0 Offset 0
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 0 MatrixStride 16
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 1 ColMajor
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 1 Offset 64
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 1 MatrixStride 16
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 2 ColMajor
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 2 Offset 128
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 2 MatrixStride 16
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 3 Offset 192
MemberDecorate 36(SSAOBuffer) 4 Offset 196
Decorate 36(SSAOBuffer) Block
Decorate 38 DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 38 Binding 1
Decorate 57(FragColor) Location 0
Decorate 68(Depth) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 68(Depth) Binding 1
Decorate 68(Depth) NonReadable
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
6: TypeFloat 32
7: TypeVector 6(float) 2
8: TypePointer Function 7(fvec2)
10: TypeVector 6(float) 4
11: TypePointer Input 10(fvec4)
12(gl_FragCoord): 11(ptr) Variable Input
15: 6(float) Constant 1149239296
16: 7(fvec2) ConstantComposite 15 15
18: TypePointer Function 6(float)
20: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
21: TypePointer UniformConstant 20
22(tex): 21(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
26: TypeInt 32 1
27: TypeVector 26(int) 2
29: 26(int) Constant 0
31: TypeInt 32 0
32: 31(int) Constant 0
35: TypeMatrix 10(fvec4) 4
36(SSAOBuffer): TypeStruct 35 35 35 6(float) 6(float)
37: TypePointer Uniform 36(SSAOBuffer)
38: 37(ptr) Variable Uniform
39: 26(int) Constant 3
40: TypePointer Uniform 6(float)
43: 26(int) Constant 4
56: TypePointer Output 10(fvec4)
57(FragColor): 56(ptr) Variable Output
66: TypeImage 6(float) 2D nonsampled format:R32f
67: TypePointer UniformConstant 66
68(Depth): 67(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
9(uv): 8(ptr) Variable Function
19(d): 18(ptr) Variable Function
34(c0): 18(ptr) Variable Function
47(c1): 18(ptr) Variable Function
53(c2): 18(ptr) Variable Function
13: 10(fvec4) Load 12(gl_FragCoord)
14: 7(fvec2) VectorShuffle 13 13 0 1
17: 7(fvec2) FDiv 14 16
Store 9(uv) 17
23: 20 Load 22(tex)
24: 10(fvec4) Load 12(gl_FragCoord)
25: 7(fvec2) VectorShuffle 24 24 0 1
28: 27(ivec2) ConvertFToS 25
30: 10(fvec4) ImageFetch 23 28 Lod 29
33: 6(float) CompositeExtract 30 0
Store 19(d) 33
41: 40(ptr) AccessChain 38 39
42: 6(float) Load 41
44: 40(ptr) AccessChain 38 43
45: 6(float) Load 44
46: 6(float) FMul 42 45
Store 34(c0) 46
48: 40(ptr) AccessChain 38 39
49: 6(float) Load 48
50: 40(ptr) AccessChain 38 43
51: 6(float) Load 50
52: 6(float) FSub 49 51
Store 47(c1) 52
54: 40(ptr) AccessChain 38 43
55: 6(float) Load 54
Store 53(c2) 55
58: 6(float) Load 34(c0)
59: 6(float) Load 19(d)
60: 6(float) Load 47(c1)
61: 6(float) FMul 59 60
62: 6(float) Load 53(c2)
63: 6(float) FAdd 61 62
64: 6(float) FDiv 58 63
65: 10(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 64 64 64 64
Store 57(FragColor) 65