There is no device supporting CUDA - 64 bit xp with tesla c1060 Cannot run any cuda apps


I’m sure you have seen some variation of this problem many times (I have searched but not found anything that works), I have a 64bit xp machine with 3 Graphics cards installed - 2 x Quadro NVS 420 and 1 tesla C1060. The tesla has this driver: After running ‘deviceQuery’ it told me i had no device supporting cuda, so i disabled the Quadros but still get the same result.

I have installed:

and this is the result from the devicequery

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA G
PU Computing SDK\C\bin\win64\Release\deviceQuery.exe Starting…

CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)

There is no device supporting CUDA

deviceQuery, CUDA Driver = CUDART, CUDA Driver Version = 0.0, CUDA Runtime Versi
on = 0.0, NumDevs = 0


Press to Quit…

Is there something i have to do to enable the Tesla card to be used by cuda?

I should also mention that the box im used is customised to be top spec (testing cuda speed versus multithreading for numeric calculation instensive apps) but that i have little experience with hardware, and this is my first foray into cuda.

Any help appreciated,

In C:\drivers\video\R207461 i do have a nvcuda.dl_ and a nvcuda32.dl_ file but nothing refeering to 64, could this be an issue?

In C:\drivers\video\R207461 i do have a nvcuda.dl_ and a nvcuda32.dl_ file but nothing refeering to 64, could this be an issue?

Do you have an on-board VGA controller? If you do try disable it in BIOS and use the NVS as your primary display.

Do you have an on-board VGA controller? If you do try disable it in BIOS and use the NVS as your primary display.

Ah - i had been using Windows Remote Desktop Connection to connect to the box, for some reason this meant that i didnt have access to any of the cards which was causing the problem. Thanks

Ah - i had been using Windows Remote Desktop Connection to connect to the box, for some reason this meant that i didnt have access to any of the cards which was causing the problem. Thanks