Is there any way to make a thrust::zip_iterator on a number of iterators that is known only at runtime?
Currently, I use several thrust::make_zip_iterator on different possible collections of iterators, but the number of possibilities is starting to become unmanageable.
If I carry out the operation on each iterator individually, I notice a significant loss of performance.
What do you want to achieve? Why need a dynamic number of iterators?
Which thrust algorithms do you use? For the case of multiple calls with individual iterators it could help to use a caching memory allocator in conjunction with the thrust::cuda::par_nosync execution policy.
@striker159 I typically use algorithms such as copy_if or sort_by_key which must be done on several vectors of equal length. But these vectors are not always the same. There are typically 6 to 12 of those, and users may choose which ones are needed at runtime. Applying the algorithms on all of them would be too much performance and memory loss. Concerning your suggestion, I don’t think I can use thrust::cuda::par_nosync for sorting algorithms.
@Curefab As mentioned just above, between 6 and 12 vectors, with any arbitrary selection of those. In practice there are typically about 10 possible selections, but it doubles every time I want to add a new feature. I don’t see how I could use templating in this situation.
@striker159 Thanks to your suggestion, I found a way to solve my problem. You were correct that using thrust::cuda::par_nosync allows for efficient calls on multiple iterators.
This technique, however, requires a little rework for using thrust::sort_by_key. Indeed, a first sort would shuffle all the keys, and they cannot be used again on the remaining iterators. Furthermore, sorting many times potentially becomes inefficient as the same comparisons are done redundantly. My solution is to create an index vector using thrust::sequence, then sort it using thrust::sort_by_key. All the iterators can then be sorted one-by-one, and asynchronously, using thrust::gather where the map is this sorted index vector.
Maybe that can help others. Anyways thank you for your suggestion!