Tlt 3.0

I am having an error in TLT 3.0 in mounting to docker. I hope you can help me on this manner.
I changed the tlt_mounts.json. I checked if the path exists using echo:
! echo $SPECS_DIR/detectnet_v2_tfrecords_kitti_trainval.txt
! echo $SPECS_DIR
However it is still not working

All the env after tlt detectnet_v2 evaluate should the env inside the docker.

You can you login the docker to check if the path or env is correct.

docker run --runtime=nvidia -it -v <yourfolder> :/workspace/tlt-experiments /bin/bash

ls $SPECS_DIR/detectnet_v2_tfrecords_kitti_trainval.txt

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Yes I fixed this. However, I am still having errors since when I list the available pretrained facenet model. It shows an empty list. So maybe, that’s where the error is coming from.

I tried to install it manually from the ngc models. I put it in the right file and changed the model_config path. However, it is still not detecting it

I downloaded the model directly from ngc the face detect model with IR.
However, it shows the following error.

Can you download the face detect IR model from its model card ?

And its key is tlt_encode

The unpruned and pruned models are encrypted and will only operate with the following key:

  • Model load key: tlt_encode

Please make sure to use this as the key for all TLT commands that require a model load key.

More info is in FaceDetect-IR — Transfer Learning Toolkit 3.0 documentation

Thank you for your reply.

However I faced another error in reshaping the tensor.

Can you share your training spec file?

You want to train a 736x416 detectnet_v3 model.
According to Transfer Learning Toolkit — Transfer Learning Toolkit 3.0 documentation
Please check if your images/labels are resized to 736x416 offline.

Reference: Tensor reshape error when evaluating a Detectnet_v2 model

Yes I checked the link and all my images have the same size:

Since you set the facedetectIR tlt model as the pretrained model, please resize your images/labels to 384x240 offline.
And set 380x240 in your training spec file.


Gray Image whose values in RGB channels are the same. 384 X 240 X 3 (W x H x C) Channel Ordering of the Input: NCHW, where N = Batch Size, C = number of channels (3), H = Height of images (240), W = Width of the images (384)

Thank you Morganh for your support.
Concerning the load_key. I set it to tlt_encode. However I am still having issues even though I used the facedetect model not the IR.

What do you mean by “I used the facedetect model not the IR” ?

I am working on the facenet model (face detect) provided by the transfer learning toolkit.
For the pretrained model, there are 2 version either with IR or without from ngc.

So using the pretrained model without IR give me the OSError: Unable to open file. And using the pretrained model with IR give me the dimensions error. I will resize the images as you said. I will resize them offline 384x240 images and see if it will work.
However meanwhile, I am trying with the pretrained model without IR.

For, according to its overview,

its key is nvidia_tlt


Grayscale Image whose values in RGB channels are the same. 736 X 416 X 3

For, according to its overview,

its key is tlt_encode


Gray Image whose values in RGB channels are the same. 384 X 240 X 3 (W x H x C) Channel Ordering of the Input: NCHW, where N = Batch Size, C = number of channels (3), H = Height of images (240), W = Width of the images (384)

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Ok thank you for your reply.
I just want to make sure if the dataset of the face detect is the same as the face detect with IR but resized.
Thank you so much !

It shouldn’t be since the label is different.
“This model accepts 384x240x3 dimension input tensors and outputs 24x15x4 bbox coordinate tensor and 24x15x1 class confidence tensor.”

Any remaining issue?

I converted the dataset into 384x240 images. However when I trained the model, another error occurred: