I am using Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier , I want to find out total DMIPS for CPU and GFLOPS for gpu available for performance and load measurement purposes. Please let me know the numbers and how can I find total available dmips and gflops.
Board Configuration:
Hardware: Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier
CPU: 8 core Nvidia Carmel Armv8.2 CPU
CPU Freq: 1.1904GHz
GPU: 512 core Volta GPU with 64 Tensor cores
GPU Freq: 905MHz
nvpmodel: 3
I have checked this page already but I haven’t found any details about DMIPS and GFLOPS there. I can just see that it delivers up to 32 TOPs of AI performance.
Please let me know how can I find DMIPS and gflops . If you can please elaborate a bit this data.
I found that Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier GPU has total of 22 TOPS but I want to ask can we convert TOPS to Gflops, or how can we measure our applications GPU consumption with this numbers?
For CPU I am still not able to find how many total FLOPS or DMIPS we have for all the 8 cores running at 1.2 GHz frequency?
Thanks for the support.
Please let me know about the DMIPS and Gflops numbers if you can once you had a discussion internally. It will be more helpful.
As in our project we are still using DMIPS for benchmarking CPU and Gflops for GPU ,
Is it possible for you to send this numbers in form of DMIPS for CPU and Gflops for GPU.