Hi! I am working with dual 1440x1440 90hz displays that I am using for a VR headset with object recognition, the thing is when I try to connect these to the jetson it doesnt display.
When booting a black screen with the message on the picture appears for a couple of seconds and then stops posting.
After this if I change the display it works fine, also, those displays are working correctly since I use them with my main PC.
I am new to the jetson nano and really don’t know what’s happening
(Edit: In the photo the same thing appeared when I connected my jetson to my main monitor, it displays correctly and boots with no problem on it though(
You could share /var/log/Xorg.0.log here.
But I guess probably just this resolution is not supported on jetson nano.
BTW, If I understand correctly, you are talking about you only see those texts on the screen?
They appear for around 3 secconds, then, it all goes black and the displays stop getting signal
apparently that log is owned by root I cannot access to it, how do I access root sorry for that kind of questions, I’m just starting to use linux
I am not sure what does that mean owned by root so cannot access.
Even it is root, you should still be able dump the content of it. Just not able to modify content.
I mean it says Permission denied
then just run with sudo and enter your password. Your account shall still have root permission.
Please try to put your log as attachment but not directly copy and paste…
Xorg.0.log (27.1 KB)
sorry bout that
[ 1590.950] (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): HAN XZ3010 (DFP-0): connected
[ 1590.950] (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): HAN XZ3010 (DFP-0): External TMDS
[ 1590.990] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select @1920x1080 +0+0 {ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}"
It looks like the driver uses 1080p instead. Is this resolution really supported on this monitor?
or you changed the monitor?
So, the main monitor that I use is 1080p which is the xz310, the dual mini displays are the wisecoco that appear above those if im not mistaking, they are 1440x1440, those are the ones that are not working
Could you share a xorg log with only that 1440x1440 monitor connected?
BTW, what is your exact connection here? Why do you have 2 HDMI monitors connected at same time?
I was trying with an hdmi switcher that I had laying around I dont know if it is because of that, I can connect the displays but I am not sure of how to send the log if they dont display, the mini displays are two of them connected to a board with a single HDMI in
You can try to learn how to use ssh and scp to send file from your device. (by ethernet connection)
Google search ssh and it shall teach you how to use that.
Please remove your HDMI switch and only connect that 1440x1440 monitor to it.
Share the xorg log again.
Xorg.0.log (20.4 KB)
please also share me the dmesg when monitor connected.
ssh to the device and run command
dmesg > dmesg.txt and share me the file.
However, I guess it is just this monitor resolution does not support.
I cannot access the dmesg, I can open it on terminal but when I write dmesg > dmesg.txt nothing happens and cant find the file