Jetson Agx Orin 32G
JetPack 6.0
I use trtexec tool to convert onnx model to dla engine. Here is the input of my model:
The command is
/usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --onnx=model_fp_input/at_simplified_noqdq.onnx --calib=model_fp_input/qat_simplified_precision_config_calib.cache --useDLACore=0 --int8 --fp16 --saveEngine=model_fp_input/qat_simplified_standalone.dla --precisionConstraints=prefer --layerPrecisions=/normalize_input/Conv:fp16 --inputIOFormats=fp16:dla_hwc4 --outputIOFormats=fp16:chw16 --buildDLAStandalone
It returns fail with info as follow:
I want to know the reason why it failed and how should I modified my model if I want to using fp16:dla_hwc4
as model input since I can only offer fp16 and nhw4 data in my project and I don’t want to use preprocessing outside the model. Besides, uint8 and nhw4 input data is also available, but I think it can’t be passed to dla directly.
I have tried to remove the red box and using int8:dla_hwc4
input and trtexec worked successfully. But this model was not suitable for my project.