Ubuntu 18.04 license


We are developing our own application on Jetson Platforms, and offering our customized carrier board with L4T image(with our application).
Since the L4T release is using Ubuntu18.04, do we need to purchase for the Ubuntu authorization?
How shall we handle the licensing affairs? How shall we mention in the license notification in our distribution material, e.g user manual?

Hi yawei.yang,

Please refer to this thread: [url]Licensing issue: Selling product including Jetson TX2 bundled with L4T and self-developed software - Jetson TX2 - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Users/developers are expected to deploy Jetson with software pre-installed and configured for use in end products, so what you describe should be fine. If you have further questions, please consult the EULA’s included in JetPack or the Tegra Software License Agreement.