Hi all:
I successfully executed the following command:

edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi NVIDIA-Platforms uefi-202409.1
cd nvidia-uefi
cd nvidia-uefi

cp nvidia-uefi/images/uefi_Jetson_RELEASE.bin ~/AMOS-9000sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi_jetson.bin

After burning the compiled UEFI, it can start and enter the system normally, but when executing “sudo /opt/Nvidia/jetson io/jetson io. py” and making any modifications, saving, and restarting, it prompts:

Jetson System firmware version 202409.1-975fafc6-dirty date 2024-11-15T15:03:42+
ESC to enter Setup.
F11 to enter Boot Manager Menu.
Enter to continue boot.

L4TLauncher: Attempting Direct Boot
L4T boot options
0: primary kernel
1: Custom Header Config: <HDR40 User Custom [2024-11-18-022424]>
Press 0-1 to boot selection within 3.0 seconds.
Press any other key to boot default (Option: 1)
ASSERT [L4TLauncher] /out/nvidia/bootloader/uefi/Jetson_RELEASE/edk2-nvidia/Silicon/NVIDIA/Library/TegraDeviceTreeOverlayLib/TegraDeviceTreeKernelOverlayLib.c(48): ((BOOLEAN)(0==1))

And it cannot enter the system normally.

dmesg.log (78.6 KB)

Hi 2639376969,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Orin Nano?
What’s the Jetpack version in use?

Would you hit the similar error if you do not have any modification in UEFI?

Hi KevinFFF
The customized version we use,Jetpack 6.0 (SDK 36.3) used.
I just replaced a few BMP files below:


I tried and didn’t make any changes, but this problem still occurs
dmesg.log (78.6 KB)

Please run the following command instead to download the UEFI source for JP6.0(R36.3.0).

$ edk2_docker edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi-r36.3.0 NVIDIA-Platforms r36.3.0

And try if it can boot w/o any changes in source.

Hi, KevinFFF
When we use git clone, we always encounter clone interruptions. Is there any other method to replace this command?

blakesu@szmce61:~/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi$ edk2_docker edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi-r36.3.0 NVIDIA-Platforms r36.3.0
Syncing the global manifest repository: /home2/blakesu/.edkrepo/edk2-edkrepo-manifest-main
Syncing the global manifest repository: /home2/blakesu/.edkrepo/nvidia
Verifying the global manifest repository entry for project: NVIDIA-Platforms

Cloning from: GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2: NVIDIA fork of tianocore/edk2
The git command: git clone -v --no-checkout --progress – GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2: NVIDIA fork of tianocore/edk2 /home2/blakesu/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi/nvidia-uefi-r36.3.0/edk2 failed to complete successfully with the following errors.


It seems there’s issue from git server in past few days.
Please try again and it should work now.

Hi, KevinFFF
We still can’t clone it,I can manually download the zip file, but do I need some other commands to build it?

blakesu@szmce61:~/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi$ git config --global http.postBuffer 1524288000
blakesu@szmce61:~/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi$ edk2_docker edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi-r36.3 NVIDIA-Platforms r36.3.0
Syncing the global manifest repository: /home2/blakesu/.edkrepo/edk2-edkrepo-manifest-main
Syncing the global manifest repository: /home2/blakesu/.edkrepo/nvidia
Verifying the global manifest repository entry for project: NVIDIA-Platforms

Cloning from: GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2: NVIDIA fork of tianocore/edk2
The git command: git clone -v --no-checkout --progress – GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2: NVIDIA fork of tianocore/edk2 /home2/blakesu/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi/nvidia-uefi-r36.3/edk2 failed to complete successfully with the following errors.

blakesu@szmce61:~/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi$ git clone -v --no-checkout --progress – GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2: NVIDIA fork of tianocore/edk2 /home2/blakesu/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi/nvidia-uefi-r36.3/edk2
Cloning into ‘/home2/blakesu/AMOS-9000/sdk36.3/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/uefi/nvidia-uefi-r36.3/edk2’…
POST git-upload-pack (175 bytes)
POST git-upload-pack (gzip 8152 to 2968 bytes)
remote: Enumerating objects: 369792, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (26754/26754), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7930/7930), done.
error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
error: 2931 bytes of body are still expected
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: early EOF
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output

Please check your network access if it was blocked by the server.
I’ve confirmed the following command working to clone UEFI source for R36.3.0.

$ edk2_docker edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi-r36.3.0 NVIDIA-Platforms r36.3.0
Syncing the global manifest repository: /home/chunhuaif/.edkrepo/edk2-edkrepo-manifest-main
Syncing the global manifest repository: /home/chunhuaif/.edkrepo/nvidia
Verifying the global manifest repository entry for project: NVIDIA-Platforms

Cloning from: https://github.com/NVIDIA/edk2.git
Cloning from: https://github.com/NVIDIA/edk2-non-osi.git                
Cloning from: https://github.com/NVIDIA/edk2-platforms.git         
Cloning from: https://github.com/NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia.git              
Cloning from: https://github.com/NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia-non-osi.git     
Cloning from: https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules.git
Initializing/Updating submodules494), done.                          
Submodule path 'ArmPkg/Library/ArmSoftFloatLib/berkeley-softfloat-3': checked out 'b64af41c3276f97f0e181920400ee056b9c88037'
Submodule path 'BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli': checked out 'f4153a09f87cbb9c826d8fc12c74642bb2d879ea'
Submodule path 'CryptoPkg/Library/MbedTlsLib/mbedtls': checked out 'edb8fec9882084344a314368ac7fd957a187519c'
Submodule path 'CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl': checked out 'c3cc0f1386b0544383a61244a4beeb762b67498f'
Submodule path 'MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli': checked out 'f4153a09f87cbb9c826d8fc12c74642bb2d879ea'
Submodule path 'MdeModulePkg/Universal/RegularExpressionDxe/oniguruma': checked out 'abfc8ff81df4067f309032467785e06975678f0d'
Submodule path 'MdePkg/Library/BaseFdtLib/libfdt': checked out 'cfff805481bdea27f900c32698171286542b8d3c'
Submodule path 'MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst': checked out '370b5944c046bab043dd8b133727b2135af7747a'
Submodule path 'RedfishPkg/Library/JsonLib/jansson': checked out '684e18c927e89615c2d501737e90018f4930d6c5'
Submodule path 'UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/CmockaLib/cmocka': checked out '1cc9cde3448cdd2e000886a26acf1caac2db7cf1'
Submodule path 'UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/GoogleTestLib/googletest': checked out '86add13493e5c881d7e4ba77fb91c1f57752b3a4'
Submodule path 'UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/SubhookLib/subhook': checked out '83d4e1ebef3588fae48b69a7352cc21801cb70bc'
Performing sparse checkout...
- /home/chunhuaif/tmp/nvidia-uefi-r36.3.0/edk2-platforms

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