Unable to download CUDA 7.5 toolkit

I am trying to download CUDA toolkit 7.5 from https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-75-downloads-archive .When I click on the links for ubuntu 15.04 and related x86_64 files,nothing happens. Has support for CUDA toolkit 7.5 ended ? I am using a code that requires CUDA 7.5 toolkit.Please guide.

Seems to work fine right now, from California. I tried Linux / x86_64 / Ubuntu / 15.04 / runfile(local). This is a 1.1 GB file.

From what location are you trying to download? Does it not work at all (i.e. progress bar shows 0%), or does the download fail part of the way through?

Still the link does not download anything.I am accessing it from India.

Change your browser, download link was not working on CHROME & EDGE.
CUDA 7.5 downloading link working fine on MODZILLA FIREFOX

did not work on chrome but worked just fine on microsoft edge