I am using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS with a GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060 Lite Hash Rate] in a desktop computer with two monitors. Both monitors are connected only to the NVIDIA card (1) via a DP cable, the other (2) by an HDMI cable.
Monitor (1) is the better of the two and I require this to be Primary. The second monitor (2) is on the LEFT of (1).
The current xorg.conf settings always default to the Primary monitor being on the LEFT. This is fine if it IS on the left!
I can change this via nvidia-settings but I am unable to save the settings because I get the error:
ERROR: Unable to open X config file ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf’ for writing.
I have tried being ‘root’ with the same effect.
I am hoping somebody in this forum has enough knowledge of this card when used with Ubuntu (maybe other NVIDIA cards) to be able to make and save an xorg.conf file. Or, even has a basic dual screen.conf file where I can edit the screen locations. nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (259.6 KB)
I have two monitors and would like one to be primary and the other secondary. I should then be able to drag a window from one monitor onto the other monitor screen as I can in Windows 10
I am using 22.04.1 not 20.04 version of ubuntu. It does not have a ‘Settings > Screen Display’ option.
It does have a ‘Display’ option.
in the Display option (1) is selected as Primary and (2) is on the left of (1). Both as they should be. However that is not what the monitors show. As I have said the monitors show:
Primary with desktop on the left monitor (2) and secondary on the right monitor (1) with blank screen on boot. Opposite of what Display shows.
The Unity desktop was dropped after Ubuntu 16.04, shifted to Gnome instead.
When you’re talking about a Unity that includes support for the Amazon Marketplace, I suspect you’re talking of Unity 3D, a game engine. Has nothing to do with Ubuntu.
The only impact you’re using Xubuntu istead of Ubuntu is that the bug is in the Xfce settings, not the Gnome settings. Should still be reported to ubuntu bugtracker.