UnrealEngine5.3 DLSS failed to load NGXCore

GPU : Geforce RTX 4080
OS : Windows 10
Engine : Unreal Engine 5.3

DLSS Plugin Works Well.
But, Always logged message.
LogDLSSNGX: [SDK]: [2024-05-20 10:02:11] [NGXLoadLibrary:269] error: failed to load NGXCore: 126 (D:\AION2\UE5\Engine\Binaries\Win64_nvngx.dll)
LogDLSSNGX: [SDK]: [2024-05-20 10:02:11] [NGXLoadLibrary:269] error: failed to load NGXCore: 126 (D:\AION2\UE5\Engine\Binaries\Win64\nvngx.dll)

How can i remove that error message?
i can’t find any information about nvngx.dll, _nvngx.dll.

I’d like to get rid of the above message even if it’s not a problem.

thanks you.