Using cudaBindTextureToArray()

Can any one explain me how to use the cudaBindTextureToArray(), where it is applied and an example.
Actually I want to use the read-only memory of device, can we use the read only memory with the above cudaBindTextureToArray() to do it. Can we store a 2d array in read only memory of size nearly 400 bytes to 500 bytes

Here is a minimal example showing the use of CUDA arrays. For me the tricky part is to remember which widths are specified in elements / texels, and which ones are specified in bytes. Other than that it is pretty straightforward.

Sorry, I am having trouble attaching the code. Let’s try this again:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

// Macro to catch CUDA errors in CUDA runtime calls
#define CUDA_SAFE_CALL(call)                                          \
do {                                                                  \
    cudaError_t err = call;                                           \
    if (cudaSuccess != err) {                                         \
        fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\
                 __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err) );       \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                           \
    }                                                                 \
} while (0)

// Macro to catch CUDA errors in kernel launches
#define CHECK_LAUNCH_ERROR()                                          \
do {                                                                  \
    /* Check synchronous errors, i.e. pre-launch */                   \
    cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();                             \
    if (cudaSuccess != err) {                                         \
        fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\
                 __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err) );       \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                           \
    }                                                                 \
    /* Check asynchronous errors, i.e. kernel failed (ULF) */         \
    err = cudaThreadSynchronize();                                    \
    if (cudaSuccess != err) {                                         \
        fprintf (stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",\
                 __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString( err) );      \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                           \
    }                                                                 \
} while (0)

texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> tex;

#define res(r,c) res[(r)*n+(c)]  // row-major
__global__ void copyMatrix (float *res, int m, int n)
    int col = threadIdx.x;
    int row = threadIdx.y;
    res (row, col) = tex2D (tex, col + 0.5f, row + 0.5f);

#define M  5   // rows, height
#define N  4   // columns, width
int main (void) 
    float matrix[M][N] = {{11, 12, 13, 14},
                          {21, 22, 23, 24},
                          {31, 32, 33, 34},
                          {41, 42, 43, 44},
                          {51, 52, 53, 54}};
    float res[M][N] = {0};
    float *res_d = 0;
    int i, j;
    cudaArray *arr = 0;
    dim3 blks(1);
    dim3 thrds(N,M);

    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaMallocArray (&arr, &tex.channelDesc, N, M));
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaMemcpy2DToArray (arr, 0, 0, matrix,
                                         N*sizeof(matrix[0][0]), // src pitch
                                         N*sizeof(matrix[0][0]), // width:bytes
                                         M,                      // height:rows
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaBindTextureToArray (tex, arr));
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaMalloc ((void **)&res_d, M * N * sizeof(res_d[0])));
    copyMatrix<<<blks,thrds>>>(res_d, M, N);
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaMemcpy (res,res_d,sizeof(res),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

    for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            printf ("%f  ", res[i][j]);
        printf ("\n");
    printf ("\n");

    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaFree (res_d));
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaUnbindTexture (tex));
    CUDA_SAFE_CALL (cudaFreeArray (arr));
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
