Hi, I am trying to compile a sample project, but I got this.
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrendercheckgl
I searched everywhere, cannot find any information on -lrendercheckgl.
Any help would be appreciated.
I tried a few examples,
I also got this
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lparamgl
I could get a few running, but I am a little surprised that almost nothing about these two packages can be found on the web. Google returned nothing for lrendercheckgl, it’s as if it doesn’t exist.
Any ideas?
Ok problem solved, I needed to make the entire thing all at once. There are extra linkings in the project makefile. Still in the document, it didn’t mention it.
Just go to the NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK directory and run make, don’t run it in the subdirectories and it should make all projects
The renderchekgl library is located in NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/lib so you can manually insert a -L switch to the linker if necessary.