Update the timestamp of the buffer
void set_timestamp(struct tegra_channel_buffer *buf,
const struct timespec *ts)
this updates the time in v4l2 buffer right?? i want to sync the camera video data with externel sync pulse who will have its own time and want to update that time in camera captured frame.
Hi Dane,
I am using gst-launch nvcamerargus command to capture video…so is it possible to pass own time stamp in this commnd so that v4l2 buffer and copy it.
so my use case is that i wan to assign my own time time stamp during video capture(this time stamp assigning time is at every 33 ms)
so it is not possibe to directly do in v4l2- core driver source code??
The nvarguscamerasrc plugin is open source. You can download the source code, apply the logic of overwriting timestamps, and rebuid/replace it. The source code is in https://developer.nvidia.com/EMBEDDED/linux-tegra L4T Driver Package (BSP) Sources