After upgrading Ubuntu packages and firmware, the nvidia driver stopped working. When trying nvidia-smi I got the error message “VIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.”
Bug report is attached, can you help me identify what the problem is - and how to solve it?
Have you re-booted?
Have you checked the driver is installed and running?
Run the following command:
nvidia-settings -q NvidiaDriverVersion
cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
In the logs I can see that the driver is not loaded:
mars 07 18:32:09 x1-ext-g5 nvidia-settings-autostart.desktop[3352]: ERROR: NVIDIA driver is not loaded
Even if you run the nvidia-settings command above it will report the driver is not loaded like the following:
nvidia-settings -q all:
ERROR: NVIDIA driver is not loaded
Further down the logs:
*** /proc/driver/nvidia/./version does not exist
*** /proc/driver/nvidia/./params does not exist
*** /proc/driver/nvidia/./registry does not exist
Everything here is pointing to the driver actually not loading, or installed properly, how was the driver installed? What version of Ubuntu are you running?
Run the command:
ubuntu-drivers devices
It should list available drivers for you, then run the following command sudo apt install nvidia-driver-xxx where xxx is the “recommended” version.
You have to ensure you reboot the system after the install
You were 100% correct about the output of the commands, so I now tried sudo apt install nvidia-driver-525 and while it gave some error output (Error! Module version 525.85.05 for nvidia.ko is not newer than what is already found in kernel 5.19.0-35-generic (525.85.05).) it completed successfully.
And as I was writing this reply (before rebooting), the external monitor suddenly connected to USB-C!
So then I ran the suggested commands again:```
$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 525.85.05 Sat Jan 14 00:49:50 UTC 2023
GCC version: gcc version 11.3.0 (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04)
So it seems to have loaded dynamically as I was typing.
I'll still try a reboot - but it seems to be working now.
Thanks a lot for your very valuable input!