Vision works Semi-global matching performs slow on TX2


I’m trying to add stereo vision to my relief shape reconstruction solution which is based on TX2. I used a sample from VisionWorks demos as a reference and created my own processing graph. I ran it and get very low performance on the left_right.mp4.
I saw about 2 FPS. When I built and ran the demo app itself I had seen >30 FPS. But the strange thing is that the performance of the demo depends on whether a video renderer is created or not.

std::unique_ptr<ovxio::Render> renderer(ovxio::createDefaultRender(context,
            "Stereo Matching Demo", sourceParams.frameWidth, sourceParams.frameHeight / 2));

If I comment out this line (of course I also comment out everything that depends on it) I see this output:

Stereo Graph Time : 222.622 ms
	 Left Color Convert Time : 0.474144 ms
	 Right Color Convert Time : 0.308863 ms
	 SGBM Time : 221.356 ms
	 Convert Depth Time : 0.145311 ms
Display Time : 222.896 ms

But when this line is uncommented (everything related to rendering is still commented out) I see this:

Stereo Graph Time : 27.9077 ms
	 Left Color Convert Time : 0.049759 ms
	 Right Color Convert Time : 0.131295 ms
	 SGBM Time : 27.3106 ms
	 Convert Depth Time : 0.027839 ms
Display Time : 28.5664 ms

This behavior made be think that smth should be done at the initialization stage like cudaFree(0) or smth else to ensure that hardware and driver is ready to do the job.
Has anybody else seen this?

Up: using ~/ seems to help to obtain the same behavior with and without the renderer

Up: using ~/ seems to help to obtain the same behavior with and without the renderer

Hi vixtor-qm,

Is your issue already fixed by running