I’m not sure if x264/5 use CPU and ifh264/5 use GPU and also if h265 is basically HEVC_NVEC for NVIDIA GPU acceleration. So, if you could give me more info about these encoding types it would be great. I understood that, summing up a lot, x26* use CPU and are slower but more accurate while h26* are the opposite but h265 is the most recent and optimal trade off. Furthermore, I was trying to convert a video using GPU acceleration and my question is:
Does the following command tell to the GPU to use h265 to encode a video holding the same audio and at upgrading it at its maximum video quality? Furthermore, are there other ways to express the same command?
ffmpeg.exe -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i “input” -c:v hevc_nvenc -preset medium -rc constqp -qp 0 -c:a copy “output”