Where can I find the number of the pin?

Like Raspberry Pi, this one shows the GPIO numbers clearly, but for the Jetson Orin Nano, I can only see a few of them Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit Carrier Board Specification like GPIO09, GPIO12, GPIO01, GPIO11, GPIO07 and GPIO13.


What exactly do you want to know?
A lot of pins on the 40 pin header can also be configured to be used as GPIO by modifying pinmux.

I just want to use my Jetson Orin Nano instead of the Raspberry Pi to make the motor work.
link below:
Driving a 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor & ULN2003 driver with a Raspberry Pi


RPi.GPIO has a function called GPIO.setmode(), which lets you choose how you want the pin to be enumerated.
Using GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) gives you the convenience of numbering pins the same way it is on the physical board (1~40):

Sorry, I don’t get it. Doesn’t jetson orin have to use jetson-gpio to control GPIO on jetson?
Will RPi.GPIO works?

It’s just that you put the link of RPi.GPIO so I told you about RPi.GPIO…

Jetson.GPIO also has this mode.

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