Where to obtain the libgstnvarguscamera.so and other related .so?

My platform is Orin, CUDA: 11.4.20, Ubuntu20.04.
My board can’t connect to the internet.
I want to capture the camera using gstreamer, specifically with the command gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc!** .
I have cross-compiled a version of gstreamer and copied it to the board, so the gst-lauch-1.0 can be used, but I cannot find the NVIDIA GStreamer plugin libraries on the board. How can I obtain these .so files and push them to the board?

Please share which Jetpack version you are using. You can run the command:

$ cat /etc/nv_tegra_release

And do you use Orin Nano?

Hi, i don’t have the “nv_tegar_release” file in the folder.
This is a DRIVE orin maybe.

Can I obtain some aarch64 .so files, such as libgstnvarguscamera.so and libgstnvv4l2camerasrc.so, and directly use them on my board?

Please help to take a picture of your device to know what it could be.