Why is the serial-number absent in the device tree?

Hi Wayne!
Finally the problem was solved with your help.

I corrected values of zero address and CRC into EEPROM. Then after reboot the serial-number is presented in device tree.


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Hi WayneWWW,

I make the my board to install Xavier NX module board on it.
I dont see serial number in device tree on my board. but when I install module on nvidia carrier board, I can see serial number!

I dump module EEPROM when module is on my board and nvidia carrier board. I see the CRC-8 is different. below picture :

Considering that there is no EEPROM on my board, could this problem be related to the EEPROM ?

If you are talking about you switch the module from A carrier board to B carrier board and the result is wrong… I would suggest you review the hardware design of B carrier board.

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