Please provide the following information when requesting support.
• Hardware : V100
• Network Type : Detectnet_v2
• TLT Version : I’m using container of TLT 3.0 but commands like TLT 2.0
• Training spec file : trafficcamnet_retrain.txt (6.9 KB)
I have issues when I make inference using a model trained on detectnet v2 using trafficcamnet as pre-trained model in TLT using a custom dataset (which has the same 4 classes). It looks that TLT randomize the weights of the neural network instead of using the weights of trafficcamnet. That’s shouldnt be happening right?
TrafficCamNet .etlt inference in Deepstream-5.0:
0 epochs - .etlt Model trained using weights of TrafficCamNet inference in Deepstream-5.0
240 epochs - .etlt Model trained using weights of TrafficCamNet inference in Deepstream-5.0
So, It looks that is training from scratch.
The last image after 240 epochs could make sense, because my custom dataset has few images and each image has few bboxes.
Python commands:
cmd = "detectnet_v2 train -e {}/trafficcamnet_retrain.txt \
-r {}/experiment_dir_unpruned \
-k tlt_encode \
-n resnet18_detector_unpruned \
--gpus {}".format(local_specs_tlt_path, local_user_exp_dir_path, nro_gpus)
Thanks in advance.