2D Convolution - why does my code return a result array with the first row being entirely zero? And how could I fix this?

This issue is no longer regarding cuda-memcheck and is really just regarding my untiled 2D convolution algorithm now.

I have been writing a couple of convolution algorithms with CUDA (they can be found here: GitHub - Kev-Jia/cuda: my cuda programs) - but for some reason they do not work unless run with cuda-memcheck. I’ve checked the block configuration parameters and the grid configuration parameters - they seem to be within range of what CUDA limitations allow.

cuda-memcheck always returns zero errors, and when I run an executable with cuda-memcheck my system slows down quite heavily for about 10 - 20s before returning to normal (most likely indicating that the calculations are actually being performed) - however, if the executable is just run on its own without cuda-memcheck it returns within 1s without any sort of system slowdown. The interesting thing to note here is that this phenomena does not happen with my matrix multiplication algorithms in the same GitHub repository - as far as I am aware I have not tinkered with the kernel code or anything. I’m not sure either if it’s an issue with my CUDA installation - I downgraded CUDA a couple days ago so that it was compatible with my current NVIDIA driver version (455.45.01) - but then again shouldn’t a CUDA installation issue affect all CUDA applications and not just a minority of them?

If I rewrite the algorithms to output all the elements of the result array after the convolution operation, the outputs are entirely zero. I’ve also checked with lsmod | grep "uvm" to see if the necessary modules for CUDA memory operations are loaded - and they are.

So why would my issue of 0s occur and how could I fix it?

EDIT: Further testing has revealed that cuda-memcheck really actually hasn’t done anything to remedy the issue of 0s.
EDIT 2: Adding some printf statements in the kernel reveals that issue is most likely my indexing - as the elements of the result array seem to be calculated fine - but only some of them. In between the avalanche of random values there are long bouts of 0s that sometimes occur - so maybe out of bounds memory accesses may be the issue. But that however doesn’t explain why the result array is entirely zero upon outputting it from host code.
EDIT 3: Removing the randomly generated values and setting the values of the input and mask arrays to fixed non-zero numbers doesn’t cure the long bouts of 0s. The issue isn’t the random values just being coincidentally generated.

regarding the code here

the output looks ok to me. Yes, there are lots of zeros (and plenty of nonzero values also), but these are in the border region. You’re probably not helping yourself with the understanding by working with large datasets.

Also, your kernel does this:

d_n[j * b + i] += ...

but you never initialize d_n

Regarding the lack of initialization for d_n - isn’t it not needed? I did some testing a few days prior and it didn’t really make a difference whether I initialized a variable or not before i use the += operator.

Also, did you manage to get the result array not of all 0s if you attempt to output it from the host code after kernel operation?

It’s needed.

Let’s cut the problem down to a tractable size:

$ cat t41.cu
// include necessary libs
#include <cuda.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// CUDA kernel function
__global__ void convolution_2D_Kernel(float* d_m, float* d_mask, float* d_n, size_t a, size_t b, size_t maskWidth)
    // define and initialize the variable that will be used for indexing
    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    // define and initialize the variable that will allow the mask to align correctly with input array d_m
    // integer division is fine because it always truncates
    // we will only be using odd values for maskWidth anyway
    // the truncation of integer division will provide the perfect offset for aligning the centre element of the mask with the target d_m element
    int m_row = j - maskWidth / 2;
    int m_col = i - maskWidth / 2;

    // only have threads within the range of the length of the result array calculate an element of it
    // this is to prevent global memory segfaults
    if(i < b && j < a)
        // iterate through all the elements in the mask
        // here's where the actual convolution operation will occur
        for(int k = 0; k < maskWidth; ++k)
            for(int l = 0; l < maskWidth; ++l)
                // this if statement is a boundary condition check
                // it checks whether the indexes needed for the convolution operation are within the bounds of the input array
                // if they are not
                // extra "ghost" elements past the beginning and end of the input array are used
                // these elements are set to 0 in our code
                // this ghost element stuff is done implicitly
                // as there is no need to do it explicitly, since 0 does not change the resulting element of the convolution operation on a specific element
                // we just leave the accumulating result of the convolution operation alone if the indexes are out of bounds
                if(m_row + l >= 0 && m_row + l < a && m_col + k >= 0 && m_col + k < b)
                    // if the boundary check is satisfied
                    // then accumulate one part of the convolution operation to the result element of the result d_n array
                    // the convolution operation is done column by column to allow the global memory accesses to be coalesced
                    // this allows us to increase memory bandwidth
                    d_n[j * b + i] += d_m[(m_row + l) * b + m_col + k] * d_mask[l * maskWidth + k];

// error checking function - checks for CUDA errors
void errorCheck(unsigned int line)
    // get most recent CUDA error
    cudaError_t cudaError = cudaGetLastError();

    // if error code wasn't a code describing success
    if(cudaError != cudaSuccess)
        // output that there has been a CUDA error in the line of the CUDA function call
        // and exit the program
        printf("CUDA error in line %u in file %s: %s\n", line - 1, __FILE__, cudaGetErrorString(cudaError));

// host function that calls the CUDA kernel
void convolution_2D(float* m, float* mask, float* n, size_t a, size_t b, size_t maskWidth)
    // define and initialize dimension variables containing data regarding the dimensions of the grid and the dimensions of each block
    dim3 numOfBlocks(ceil(b / 32.0), ceil(a / 32.0), 1);
    dim3 numOfThreads(32, 32, 1);

    // define and initialize variables containing the number of bytes in each array
    size_t bytes_m = a * b * sizeof(float);
    size_t bytes_mask = maskWidth * maskWidth * sizeof(float);
    size_t bytes_n = a * b * sizeof(float);

    // define the pointers that will point to the start of allocated device memory for each array
    float* d_m;
    float* d_mask;
    float* d_n;

    // allocate global memory for each array on the device and check for CUDA errors
    cudaMalloc((void**) &d_m, bytes_m);
    cudaMalloc((void**) &d_mask, bytes_mask);
    cudaMalloc((void**) &d_n, bytes_n);
    cudaMemset(d_n, 0, bytes_n);
    // copy the data of each array to allocated global memory on the device and check for CUDA errors
    cudaMemcpy(d_m, m, bytes_m, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(d_mask, mask, bytes_mask, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    // call the CUDA kernel and check for CUDA errors
    convolution_2D_Kernel<<<numOfBlocks, numOfThreads>>>(d_m, d_mask, d_n, a, b, maskWidth);

    // copy the data of the result array from global memory to host DRAM and check for CUDA errors
    cudaMemcpy(n, d_n, bytes_n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    // free the allocated global memory and check for CUDA errors

int main()
    // define structs that will enable us to get the exec time of the program
    struct timespec start, end;

    // get the details regarding the start time of this program and store it in the start struct
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start);

    // initialize pseudo-random number generator with seed of current seconds since 01/01/1970

    // define and initialize dimension variables for each array
    // the input and result arrays have the same dimensions and thus share dimension variables
    size_t a = 16;// rand() % 257 + 3840;
    size_t b = 16; //rand() % 257 + 3840;
    size_t maskWidth = 3; //2 * (rand() % 7 + 1) + 1;

    // dynamically allocate DRAM memory for the arrays to account for them perhaps being too big to be statically allocated
    float* m = (float*) malloc(a * b * sizeof(float));
    float* mask = (float*) malloc(maskWidth * maskWidth * sizeof(float));
    float* n = (float*) malloc(a * b * sizeof(float));

    // assign a pseudo-random integer value from -64 to 64 for each element in input array m
    for(int i = 0; i < a * b; ++i)
        m[i] = rand() % 129 - 64;
    //for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) printf("%f\n", m[i]);

    // assign a pseudo-random float value from 0 to 1 with a precision of 3 decimal places for each element in mask array
    for(int j = 0; j < maskWidth; ++j)
        mask[j] = rand() % 1001 / 1000.0;
    //for (int i = 0; i < maskWidth; i++) printf("%f\n", mask[i]);

    // perform 1D convolution operation on input array m using a given mask array
    convolution_2D(m, mask, n, a, b, maskWidth);
    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j <b; j++)  printf("%f ", n[i*b+j]);
      printf("\n"); }
    // get the details regarding the end time of this program and store it in the end struct
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end);

    // calculate exec time in microseconds
    time_t execTime = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000;

    // output exec time
    printf("Execution time: %d microseconds.", execTime);

    // exit program
    return 0;
$ nvcc -o t41 t41.cu
$ ./t41
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
48.500999 93.016998 23.474001 25.264999 -51.390995 -25.866003 -63.832001 -1.214000 -11.368999 -39.022999 -64.384003 -58.870998 -45.981998 8.000998 51.223003 60.824001
-72.143997 -46.075001 31.052999 40.350002 -2.884000 -35.884998 -1.950001 -15.802999 -57.754002 -48.172997 5.657001 0.490000 -45.434002 -36.531002 43.243999 62.040001
71.361000 99.926003 88.692001 85.273994 19.278999 -53.289001 -81.881004 -57.788998 -41.424000 -0.513001 34.188000 58.087002 53.602997 15.667000 20.857998 4.264002
-9.909000 -18.561001 8.526000 45.807003 -14.290999 -58.541000 -30.635998 -28.140999 -73.406998 -96.243004 -87.130997 -60.412003 -85.866997 -16.799002 -3.896997 34.264000
32.849998 7.374000 -34.928001 -11.090002 5.765003 28.620001 -21.675999 -1.659001 -26.674000 33.047997 -4.176995 48.229996 -11.025997 44.829998 29.500002 51.855999
-47.736000 -26.362999 17.132999 9.173001 -45.007999 -83.903000 -76.955002 -59.887001 -34.689999 -26.269999 11.693000 11.435001 -2.877000 -62.577000 -102.214996 -83.736000
-72.890999 -86.353996 -4.018001 34.586002 81.169998 13.437003 -44.457001 -116.700996 -124.083000 -115.026001 -115.316002 -95.717003 -19.379999 58.885002 69.897003 21.431999
-36.530998 -72.321999 -50.295002 -25.194998 -10.768999 10.566000 47.674999 87.397003 18.331003 -12.661002 -60.196999 -45.186001 -24.449003 -15.758998 -30.797001 -52.903999
-55.737000 -83.475998 -30.650000 -40.563995 -41.098003 -24.219000 -11.512998 -14.333001 5.482997 11.752003 22.805998 27.022999 6.384003 -59.009003 -132.190994 -81.560005
-55.035000 -44.670002 14.526999 35.748005 6.050998 -2.915000 68.625000 75.963005 24.419003 -62.873001 -29.567001 -41.778999 -45.360001 -109.025002 -107.014999 -76.823997
-14.975999 7.134998 30.659000 50.734001 23.134998 -46.293999 -23.079002 -12.402997 4.849999 -48.142002 -57.705002 -62.141998 -62.951000 -44.107002 -9.585000 9.144000
-44.621998 -54.351002 -23.397999 15.194001 -17.271000 -26.074001 -67.871994 -52.727001 -43.413998 36.145000 44.334000 50.129997 -26.863998 -28.249002 -58.535000 -14.232000
-54.423000 -94.081001 -54.442005 4.904001 -1.470998 -38.390003 -84.883003 -63.013000 -34.692001 8.260001 19.573000 47.057999 5.236003 43.960999 -10.396997 15.896000
-46.107002 -5.646001 51.701000 51.906994 2.451000 11.212999 50.292000 5.080002 -24.967003 -77.434998 -11.281000 0.145000 46.656998 -22.909000 -11.479001 -9.527998
-5.813998 -19.582003 -37.142002 -39.360001 -12.476004 16.815001 36.530998 -1.152000 -45.298000 -3.835001 -0.802998 -5.297001 -13.791002 10.064001 29.554001 7.552000
Execution time: 260895 microseconds.$

It is now evident that your first row is all zeros (for a maskWidth of 3), but after that things are computed. In your original problem, this would mean that the first 4000 elements or so (at least - depending on maskWidth) would be zero. After that, you would get nonzero values, and that is exactly what I saw also.

Think about the behavior of your if-statement:

if(m_row + l >= 0 && m_row + l < a && m_col + k >= 0 && m_col + k < b)

when j is zero and l is zero. Also consider the effect of varying maskWidth

When j and l are both zero, the multiplication isn’t done - but isn’t that how its supposed to be - since effectively when j and l are both zero we are using ghost elements of value zero to calculate the first element of the result array. I feel like there’s something I’m missing here.

Yes it should still work. There is another bug in your code here:

    for(int j = 0; j < maskWidth; ++j)
        mask[j] = rand() % 1001 / 1000.0;

It should be:

    for(int j = 0; j < maskWidth*maskWidth; ++j)

Hmmm. For some reason my code seems to work now - no issue of zeroes. Thanks for the help! (I really should learn to be more thorough in checking my code for small errors like those - it really makes me seem like a novice programmer - of which I am).