570 VRR not working over HDMI 2.1

Black screen when VRR is enabled over HDMI 2.1 both in wayland and X11 with Option “metamodes” “5120x1440_240 +0+0 {AllowGSYNCCompatible=On}”
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (332.1 KB)

Other reports 570 release feedback - #9 by luanv.oliveira
570 release feedback - #17 by primetechau
570 release feedback - #33 by asubstanced

I also confirm over here with the 3060 and 3090. There is no VRR over HDMI, even though the control panel says it is enabled. My LG TV disagrees, and I’m sure it’s not working.

I think I did not mention it on my post, but I am on a 3080.

Same here - 4090 Gentoo system but also tried on Arch. HDMI VRR blacks the screen out the second I turn it on Always in KDE or use any fullscreen game (I don’t use it on Always in KDE but it’s an extremely easy way to replicate the issue). DisplayPort seems to be fine but I only have one on the G80SD and it is connected to another device.

Im also having issues using HDMI 2.1 with the 570 beta drivers.

I am unable to even launch Hyprland anymore due to “failed to allocate device list”. I can launch KDE but like others Adaptive Sync doesn’t work, and it doesn’t seem very stable. Reverting to the 565 drivers solves all my problems. Hope this is resolved soon because some distros like Cachy-os already force the use of these drivers.