About Jetson NX eMMC I/O Bandwith


I get 294 MB/sn Read, 82 MB/sn Write speed from eMMC of NX. Are these values normal? Anyone please share if you tested this.

Test result attached below. (MODE_15W_6CORE / max clock rate)

Thank you.

Have you try the performance mode?

sudo nvpmodel -m 3
sudo jetson_clocks

Thanks for the reply.

I would like to the remind that the module I use is the Jetson Xavier NX.
(not AGX Xavier)

L4T Doc about nvpmodel

I use nvpmodel -m 2 for max power mode. Ran these before test in #1:

sudo nvpmodel -m 2
sudo jetson_clocks

Tried with mode 3 result is the same pretty much:

Is this an expected result?

It would be perfect if a reference test shared here.


Can you post your output for sequential perf using iozone.

apt-get update
apt-get install iozone3

Run the following command to get perf for EMMC.

iozone -ecI -+n -L64 -S32 -s64m -r512k -i0 -i1 -l8 -u8 -m -t8 -F /mnt/file1 /mnt/file2 /mnt/file3 /mnt/file4 /mnt/file5 /mnt/file6 /mnt/file7 /mnt/file8

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

by the way, the numbers you have posted are sequential numbers and are expected perf numbers