About the cufft

Dear all,

I have used the cufft to do Fourier transform. I have got a problem.
The code were shown below:

#include <iostream>
#include "fftw3.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <cufft.h>

#define NX 180 
#define NY 230
#define NZ 190
#define BATCHSIZE 10
#define BLOCK_SIZE 32
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cudaError_t cudaErr;
size_t freeMem = 0;
size_t totalMem = 0;
size_t allocMem = 0;
int main()
	double scale = 1.0/(NX*NY*NZ);
	for (int j=0; j < 150; j++)
	cudaMemGetInfo(&freeMem, &totalMem);
	cout<<"\titeration is :"<<j<<endl;
	cufftComplex *data_dev;
	cufftReal *data_dev1;

	cudaMalloc((void**)&data_dev, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex)); 
	cudaMalloc((void**)&data_dev1, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal)); 

	cudaMemset(data_dev, 0, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex)); 
	cudaMemset(data_dev1, 0, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal)); 

	cufftReal *data_Host = (cufftReal*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal)); 
	cufftComplex *resultFFT = (cufftComplex*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex));
	cufftComplex *data_Host1 = (cufftComplex*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex)); 
	cufftReal *resultIFFT = (cufftReal*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal)); 

	for (int i = 0; i < NZ*NY * NX; i++)
		data_Host[i] = float((rand() * rand()) % NX) / NX;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)

	cufftHandle plan; 
	cufftPlan3d(&plan, NX, NY, NZ, CUFFT_R2C);
	cudaMemcpy(data_dev1, data_Host, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
	cufftExecR2C(plan, data_dev1, data_dev);
	cudaMemcpy(resultFFT, data_dev, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

        cout<<"=======by cuda================"<<endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++)

	for (int i = 0; i < NZ*NY * NX; i++)
		data_Host1[i].x = resultFFT[i].x*data_Host[i];
		data_Host1[i].y = resultFFT[i].y*data_Host[i];

	cufftPlan3d(&plan, NX, NY, NZ, CUFFT_C2R);
	cudaMemcpy(data_dev, data_Host1, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
	cufftExecC2R(plan, data_dev, data_dev1);
	cudaMemcpy(resultIFFT, data_dev1, NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	cout<<"========by cuda==============="<<endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++)

	getchar( );
	return 0;

When the iteration number reached 126, errors happened. The error information in vs2010 is:
combine_furier.exe 中的 0x000007fefd27a49d 处最可能的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: 内存位置 0x001df5f0 处的 cufftResult_t。
combine_furier.exe 中的 0x000007fefd27a49d 处最可能的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: 内存位置 0x001df5f0 处的 cufftResult_t。
combine_furier.exe 中的 0x000007fefd27a49d 处最可能的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: 内存位置 0x001df5f0 处的 cufftResult_t。
combine_furier.exe 中的 0x000007fefd27a49d 处最可能的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: 内存位置 0x001df5f0 处的 cufftResult_t。
combine_furier.exe 中的 0x000007fefd27a49d 处最可能的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: 内存位置 0x001df5f0 处的 cufftResult_t。
combine_furier.exe 中的 0x000007fefd27a49d 处最可能的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: 内存位置 0x001df5f0 处的 cufftResult_t。

How to solve this problem? Is that means the function cudaFree() doesn’t work?

You have 4 malloc operations:

cufftReal *data_Host = (cufftReal*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal)); 
	cufftComplex *resultFFT = (cufftComplex*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex));
	cufftComplex *data_Host1 = (cufftComplex*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftComplex)); 
	cufftReal *resultIFFT = (cufftReal*)malloc(NZ * NY * NX * sizeof(cufftReal));

but only 3 free operations:


Maybe you should add another free operation:


That oversight will cost you 62MB per iteration. After 126 iterations you have about 8GB of lost system memory.

Thanks a lot for your reply.

But, when I added it into my program and ran this program again. The same problem happened.
I don’t know how to solve it.
Look forward to your reply. Thank you.

Any time you run a planning operation:

cufftPlan3d(&plan, NX, NY, NZ, CUFFT_C2R);

that performs allocations under the hood. So you should destroy a plan if you are going to reuse (replan) the handle:

	cufftPlan3d(&plan, NX, NY, NZ, CUFFT_C2R);

With those changes, I was able to run your code successfully for 500 iterations on CUDA 8, Titan X Pascal, Ubuntu 14.04

If you are still having trouble, provide all the platform details. Its clear you are running on windows. Provide the cuda version, the GPU you are running on. Also would be good if you can get or translate the error information in english instead of chinese.

Aha, you have solved my problem, thanks a lot for your help.
Many many thanks.
Best wishes.