do you mean i call nvv4l2 dec api by myself refering to ffmpeg-4.2.2/libavcodec/nvv4l2_dec.c ?if so, is there concrete samples how to call api wrapper in nvv4l2_dec.c, since there are only some api wrapper in nvv4l2_dec.c
do you mean i should not call ffmpeg api refer to ffmpeg example hw_decoder.c? i think call ffmpeg api directly is simple
Thanks for your quick reply! But, since we need to use hwdecoder in our source code, which means we need API level doc/user guide. Could you help on this?
thank you for the reply, i want to complete HW decoder with cuda by code in our project, rather than ffmpeg command, so we write the hw decoder code refer to the installed ffmpeg example hw_decoder.c, but it not work. could you tell me why the hw_decoder.c not work or could you give us the other sample code guid?
They are the right sample code to demonstrate how to leverage HW decode engine and work with CUDA in the same time. It’s different with the CUDA on X86 Host as @DaneLLL said , multi engine or processor need the special APIs to work with each other efficiently.
You can directly get MMAPI lib installed with SDKmanger or you also can try with Gstreamer which has hw decoder plugin integrated.
hi, we only want to use ffmpeg api, since using ffmpeg api can reduce AGX porting cost of our project software. and the link: Welcome — Jetson Linux<br/>Developer Guide 34.1 documentation
say the NVIDIA ffmpeg package supports hardware-accelerated decode on Jetson platforms.
please help us solve the problem encoutered using ffmeg api, see the first post.