I am creating a deep learning project and want to use the onboard TX2 camera to create the training images. However the brightness / contrast autobalance is creating large bright spots on the objects of interest that wash out the images which seem to be present in all lighting conditions.
Is it possible to access the camera settings through code? At the moment I am just using
gst = "nvcamerasrc ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)640, height=(int)480, format=
(string)I420, framerate=(fraction)24/1 ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! video/x-raw, format=(string)I420
! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=(string)BGR ! appsink"
(code put on newlines just for readability here, its all one line in the program).
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(gst)
I am a fairly new programmer / new to TX2.