Activate dsi on jetson nano som

but, could the GPIO07 set to hi in kernel. If yes then how.

Are you asking if you can still set GPIO to hi or you are asking something else?

I mean I do already set to hi in tegra210-porg-gpio-p3448-0002-b00.dtsi and densitron2.dtsi and don’t know why it will not set to hi after boot.


Do you have some basic kernel ability to debug things on your board?

There are lots of points indicating you don’t know what yourself is doing

  1. You can only set this pin as either gpio or SFIO. I mean if you set this pin to gpio, then it will not be PWM pin anymore and vice versa.

  2. If you set “TEGRA_GPIO(V, 0)” in your gpio dtsi file as “gpio-output-high”, then this pin will be GPIO. It does not matter whether you set it as pwm in the pinmux dtsi because GPIO controller has higher priority then pinmux controller.

Thus, my question here is, what is exactly you want to do here? You want to set it as GPIO ? or you want to set it as PWM? If you want to set it as PWM, then do you have a pwm driver that can run?

okay now it is working with pure gpio without pwm0-Function. My HW supports both gpio and pwm. Thanks for that experience.

Last question for today: do you have complete tutorial for kernel debugging? I’m new to that area and need some information for starting.

Well, this category includes lots of items. We can share some cases specific to nano first.

Maybe you can start from knowing how to dump log first. Which you shall just see it by running dmesg command.

However, sometimes there would be crash in debugging kernel and you may never be able to access the console because the system fails to boot up. Under such case, generally we use the console from UART which will tell you why the system cannot boot. This console will also print things even when you fail to boot up.

As for gpio debug, actually you already know “/sys/kernel/debug/gpio”. The most common problem is, user fails to control the pin through sysfs. And generally, such case means some driver already occupied that gpio so you cannot control it through sysfs.

could you please help me to find institution who can me give advises regarding u-boot for free? For free because my chief has no other options.

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