AGX Xavier shutdown suddenly

Hi all, we are using the AGX Xavier, however it experiences sudden shutdown occasionally. And we found some strange in the syslog (a lot of NULL… and time is not in order) and the tegrastats was logged during the shutdown time.
Anyone has this experience before?

What the version? Did you confirm on latest release.

How to check? Is this okay?

Please check on J5.1.1(r35.3.1)


No luck. We are using JetPack 5.1.1 already. It crashed after ~5 days.
Any advice? Or workaround?

Any APP running to reproduce the problem?

The issue happens occasionally (3-7 days). We don’t have a specific step and app to reproduce it. Of course, we have an app running which is carrying out object detection, OCR and video cropping. However, from my understand, an app couldn’t crash the system like this. It looks like I/O problem somehow in the hardware, right?

Do you know how much was the memory usage at the time before shutdown ?

This is our capture.

tegrastats.20230722.log (5.3 MB)
syslog (25.8 MB)
syslog at line 218255
tegrastats.20230722.log at line 10669

Hope this help

Hi all,
Any advise?

There’s no much information for it.
Does your APP run with camera? If yes try if able run without it.


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