Any PCIe Gen4 device has been validated on Jetson Xavier development kit?

Hi There,

I read some threads in this forum, and didn’t found any thread to talk about PCIe Gen4 device support for Xavier development kit. May I ask if we have a validated hardware list that can connect to Xavier development kit’s PCIe slot @ 16GT/s? e.g. There are a lot of Phison PS5016-E16 based Gen4 M2 SSD available on shelf, with additional M2 to CEM adapter, can I get it link up @ 16GT/s?

From thread, we know that Jetson Xavier supports Gen4 v0.7.


We have only verified another Xavier operating in the endpoint mode and Nvidia’s latest GPUs.
But, we don’t see any reason why any off the shelf Gen-4 card wouldn’t work.
Please try and let us know if you run into any issues.