there seems to be a typo in the comment of this line:
that anyhit program is not for the radiance ray type 0; its for the shadow ray type 1
cause here its set as shadow ray type 1:
And I encountered an access violation in my app (during calling optixModuleCreateFromPTX) when using optixSetPayload_1() in an anyhit program since driver 442.19; no exception on driver 436.48 (I upgraded directly from 436.48 to 442.19 so I don’t know anything about the behaviour of drivers inbetween).
I changed the handling so that the shadow ray now also uses the “PRD” struct (as implemented in the OptiX_Apps code). This works now. In the failing version I only updated the payload (see screnshot in attachment)
My system: OptiX 7.0.0 SDK CUDA 10.1.243 GTX 1050 2GB Win10PRO 64bit (version 1809; build 17763.107) device driver: 442.19 VS2019 v16.4.2 (toolkit v140 of VS2015)
NOTE: My app is based on the OptiX Introduction Samples and I ported it to OptiX7 before the OptiX_Apps code was online.