Hi, after many years i’m trying to port my APP from Optix 3.8 (32 bit) to Optix 6.5 (64 bit) but I receive errors that i cannot fix (such as the error below), please help.
This is the error: “Unknown error (Details: Function “_rtProgramCreateFromPTXString” caught exception: Compile Error: Call to rtReportIntersection is not directly controlled by a single call to rtPotentialIntersection)”
See “mesh_triangle.cu” for the source of the error
You need to remove that function and either simply return instead or restructure the conditions to not reach the rtReportIntersection call when you want to ignore it.
OK, when trying to load the mesh_triangle.m64.ptx into an OptiX 6.5.0 based example with createProgramFromPTXFile() I can reproduce the error on a Pascal GPU running 495.97 drivers and an Ampere GPU running 511.79 drivers.
I’ll file a bug report. If this requires a display driver fix, that would not happen soon, so something else would need be required as workaround.
I cannot experiment with the attached mesh_triangle.cu file because that is missing the necessary header to let it compile.
For example, I wonder if it works if you remove the return call by inverting the logic, or if it works when removing the very first if-statement checking the visibility.
Note that this intersection program would not be required when using built-in triangles and the expensive attribute calculations would then need to happen in an attribute program which is deferred to the hit programs of which the closest hit program is called less often.
If the visibility condition is per mesh and not per triangle, then that could probably be handled with ray visibility masks on Groups and GeometryGroups and the rtTrace call, otherwise you would need an anyhit program calling ignore intersection for the primitives which shouldn’t be visible which would be slower than keeping traversal and triangle intersection on the RTX hardware.
OK, I have another error. Now I’m able to compile and validate the program but I get an error when I call “_rtContextLaunch2D”
Where to look?
(Unknown error (Details: Function “_rtContextLaunch2D” caught exception: Assertion failed: “Unconditional assertion failure: CanonicalState still used in function: directcallable__bounds_selector_ptx0xc3db3bb81df72d16”))
P.S. I had to move the following statement outside “#if 0”
Right, it’s the return which seems to confuse the check for correctly paired rtPotentialIntersection and rtReportIntersection calls.
EDIT: Turns out that this is expected behavior and not a bug.
The chapter 4.8.2 Reporting Intersections inside the OptiX 6.5.0 Programming Guide says: “If rtPotentialIntersection returns true, the intersection program may then set any attribute variable values and must subsequently call rtReportIntersection.”
That is easy to solve by moving the return before the rtPotentialIntersection like this.
Should also be faster to not call normalize(n) more than once in your code.
if (intersect_triangle(CurrentRay, p0, p1, p2, n, t, beta, gamma))
n = normalize(n); // The normalized geometric normal in object space
if ((Options & MESH_FORCE_SINGLE_SIDED) != 0)
if (optix::dot(-CurrentRay.direction, n) < 0.0f) // Maybe use <= here. Also no need for the negation operator when you invert the comparison.
if (rtPotentialIntersection(t))
// Writing to attributes will only take effect between rtPotentialIntersetion and rtReportIntersection!
// Primitive Normal value (Flat)
geometric_normal = n;
Originally the check was outside the block (rtPotentialIntersection / rtReportIntersection), I had to move it inside due to an Optix error on the use of attribute “geometry normal” outside rtPotentialIntersection / rtReportIntersection calls
So I can roll back to old version using “n” in place of “geometric_normal”
Thanks, now I’m stuck in the _rtContextLaunch2D error… :-(
P.S. My compliments for your analysis and advice given
P.S. My compliments for your analysis and advice given
Thanks. Call it experience.
(Unknown error (Details: Function “_rtContextLaunch2D” caught exception: Assertion failed: “Unconditional assertion failure: CanonicalState still used in function: directcallable__bounds_selector_ptx0xc3db3bb81df72d16”))
Sorry, I have no idea what is going in your code.
Since OptiX 6 doesn’t handle selectors anymore, what is that directcallable__bounds_selector doing?
When and how is it called?
The “direct” implies it’s a bindless callable program, but what is bounds_selector meaning?
(Avoid bound callable programs if you can, use bindless.)
I’d need a minimal and complete reproducer to be able to look at this or file bug reports.
So in Optix 6 I have to eliminate the concept of Selector?
I used them to “show” or “hide” entire objects (each object was composed of mesh). You can find an example of use in “item_selector.cu” that I attached above.
Can you point me to a thread or document that explains how to “eliminate” the selector without damaging my program?
From documentation: Note: Selector nodes are deprecated in RTX mode (default with OptiX 6.0).
How can I disable “RTX mode” ?
Maybe this is the problem…
EDIT: I have a RTX 3060 but if I call “rtGlobalGetAttribute(RT_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_RTX, sizeof(int32_t), &RTXEnabled);” I obtain “RTXEnabled=0” (???)
It’s driver version dependent. The RTX mode is the only supported mode in currently released display drivers.
The RT_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_RTX is meaningless now.
See it as a chance to make your renderer a lot faster.
Since your visit program works on a per “item” base, the case if( (item_options & OPTIX_ITEM_ENABLED)!=0 ) could be converted to a rebuild of the top-level acceleration structure with only the enabled objects contained in the scene.
Assuming you only have one top-level Group node and many GeometryGroups holding the GeometryInstances.
Rebuilding the top-level AS is pretty fast.
Then the remaining item_options in that visit code can be handled with ray visibility flags.
There is an 8-bit mask available which should be sufficient to handle the three options you’re checking.
Actually all four checks in your visit program can be handled with ray visibility masks.
Note that the OptiX 6 API is not receiving any updates. That will only happen in OptiX 7. In the long term you should consider porting to that explicit and more modern OptiX 7 API which will always be faster than the old OptiX API used in versions 1 - 6. There have been quite some threads on this forum discussing the necessary changes.