Hello everyone, first time posting here,
I’m currently tasked with porting an older OptiX 5.0 project into Unreal Engine (it was a standard OpenGL renderer before). While this was going better than expected, I also wanted to upgrade to OptiX 6.0, but now I’m running into a few weird issues. I need to turn off the RTX mode, but when I execute before creating the context
int rtxon = 0;
rtGlobalSetAttribute(RT_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_RTX, sizeof(rtxon), &rtxon);
my application crashes with
OptiX Error: 'Unknown error (Details: Function "_rtContextLaunch2D" caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: ptxas application ptx input, line 64; error : Feature 'activemask' requires PTX ISA .version 6.2 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 68; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 72; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 76; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 80; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 84; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 1000; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 1185; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 1187; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 1189; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 1191; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas application ptx input, line 1193; error : Feature 'shfl.sync' requires PTX ISA .version 6.0 or later
ptxas fatal : Ptx assembly aborted due to errors returned (218): Invalid ptx)'
I tried to track this error down and ended up testing it in the standard OptiX 6.0 samples, in the optixTutorial sample to be exact.
It works on one computer with a GTX 1070 and the recent creator ready driver for the 1070.
It throws the error on a machine with a GTX 1080. Both machines have the same CUDA version installed (v10.1).
The 1080 has the studio driver installed.
This seems to be a driver issue - I will try different versions on both machines and try to track it down, but it’s a bit limiting to be locked in to very specific driver versions.
I don’t know much about CUDA, but is there a way to check for the installed/used PTX ISA version? The actual ptx files start with this header, both the ones I compiled with nvcc manually and the ones in the sample directory:
// Generated by NVIDIA NVVM Compiler
// Compiler Build ID: CL-25769353
// Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.105
// Based on LLVM 3.4svn
.version 6.4
.target sm_30
.address_size 64
The weird thing is that the samples (and my project) work with RTX mode on. I have other weird problems with RTX mode enabled though, but will post those in a different thread as they’re hard to isolate.
I would appreciate any tips or hints towards driver/cuda versions,
Thanks a lot,