I measure NX UART0 waveform, and this deivce path is /dev/ttyTHS1.
Here are some questions.
As I know, NX’s UART TX/RTS behaviora as below,
When Tx send signals, RTS will be low.
Here are waveform of TX and RTS, it correct behavior.
I open Terminal and command “echo aabbcc > /dev/ttyTHS1”
When I command “cat /dev/ttyTHS1” in Terminal, RTS will be LOW.
I thought it should be HIGH even if I command “cat”.
Exited cat command, and command “minicom -D /dev/ttyTHS1”.
Minicom default Hardware flow control is No.
You can see that there are a low pulse when I command “minicom -D /dev/ttyTHS1”
RTS will be HIGH in minicom window.
The same time I don’t key-in any command in minicom, so TX always be HIGH.
I just want to check RTS behavior.
After I enabled Hardware flow control (Hardware flow control : YES), RTS always be LOW.
It will be HIGH when I change Hardware flow control back(Hardware flow control : NO)
It seems that RTS behavior will affected by APPs. Do you have any recommand APPs?
And is it correct that RTS will be LOW when I use Terminal and command “echo aabbcc > /dev/ttyTHS1”