Audio not working in Jetson AGX Orin L4T36.3.0


We used audio in our custom carrier board in L4T 35.0 it worked.

Now upgraded to L4T 36.3.0 and tested in the same board, but audio is not working. Already attached the test details and screenshots in below link for L4T36.3.0.

Se our previous queries on 35.0 :

L4T 36.x.x :

Please help with this issue.

I see your issue is similar to [AGX ORIN]audio codec RT5640 is not working with rel36.4 - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Orin - NVIDIA Developer Forums which has been resolved recently. Can you have a look and try the steps mentioned on this query. If you are still facing issue, please provide dump details mentioned on the same query.

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